OK to do Strength Wkt day after BC or CW?


hi cathe!

i know you're so busy, so if you can't answer this, i'm hoping someone from the 'educated crowd' :9 will be able to..

if i do cardio/weights or boot camp...can i do power hour or a strength type workout the following day? or do i need to skip 48 hours?

thanks so much!!!! :7
IMHO you can do Power Hour or a strength type workout the day after either C & W or Boot Camp. The weighted cycles in each of these workouts are so relatively brief, and with compound movements in Cardio Weights the weightloads are so much lighter, that I believe you could safely and productively do a full-blown strength routine the day after and get plenty of benefits safely. Just listen to YOUR own body and let IT be the judge.

I concur with A-Jock. If you are keeping the weight load relatively light on BC and CW a heavier strength routine the next day is most likely okay.

In fact, in a Kinesiology workshop I attended last year, the emphasis on a full 48 hour rest between strength workouts is shifting over to doing a light weight workout the day after a heavy one to reduce the effects of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). Of course it was suggested to pay attention to how you feel, and some exercise physiologists are still proponents of the 48 hour rest. Again, listening to your body is key.



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