No good deed goes unpunished


I think I may have messed up my exercise routine. My best friend has not worked out since Reagan was president, and I have infected her with the bug. I'm very glad she wants to get back to a fitness routine, and she asked me if I would take a class with her at the local Y. Knowing her as I do, because she is a horrible procrastinator, I said "sure, any class". She has chosen Cardio Intervals on Mon & Wed. Now that she's actually done it, I have to rearrange my entire workout schedule. I spoke to the instructor, asked her to compare the intensity to a Cathe routine and she told me I will not get the same type of workout, that she believes Cathe is pretty tough, her choreo is tricky, and hard for beginners. Alright, so here's the question:

I wonder if I am taking a step backward, and how do I compensate for it? I think I will do the following and see how it shapes up, but I want you guys to give me your opinions.

Mon: Y Interval Class
Tues: Cathe step
Wed: Y Interval
Thurs: Cathe step
Fri: Power hour
Sat: What??????

Maybe Cardio Kicks on Sat? Or should I add weights in twice? Thanks everyone!


Add a lower body strengthening and ab routine after the Tues. step session;

Add an upper body and ab routine strength session after the Thurs. session, and consider making that a Cardio Kicks session rather than step;

Saturday: Circuit session (Circuit Max; Boot Camp {from new Intensity Series}, Cardio Weights {Intensity Series}, or a cool mish-mosh I like to do, that combines the Rhythmic Step warm-up, the step-circuit segment from Body Max, and the circuit segment from CTX Power Circuit).

Sunday HAS to be a rest day with all of that!

I predict, however, that your friend will fade. That's a harsh prediction, I know, but usually that's what happens. You may want to give some thought to whether or not you want to be made emotionally responsible for her fitness program by committing yourself over the long term to classes that are underneath your ability. That seldom works!

Hope all works out (pardon the pun)!

Annette Q. Aquajock

You are a good friend to support her in her fitness endeavor! I had a similar situation with a neighbor/friend last year who wanted to run with me in the mornings but was not at my level in terms of speed or time. What I ended up doing was going out with her and then going out on my own later, but Annette is right, it eventually fades out. If it doesn't, then you will have done your job and she will continue to go because she wants to, not because you are prodding her. You could give it a few weeks and then start going with her only on one of the days, eventually fading out altogether.

You get to be the gal in the front of the class showing the high intensity moves! After all, you are a Cathe afficianado so do plyo jacks in place of jumping jacks and throw in any Cathe move you can! I used to show the low impact high intensity moves for one of my favorite instructors at the local Y. I would get down and low and my legs got more muscular than they'd ever been. Carmen always had several of us showing different modifications from her high impact moves. What a blast! Have fun. You're a member of the educated crowd. Show them how it's done! Chick's Rule! B bbi
You are truly an optimist!! No, I most likely will be the big, giant chicken in the back row afraid to look stupid! Ugh!! All those mirrors!!! I'm going, but I'm not gonna like it! Can you hear me whining? I think she probably will fade out, but I'll give it a shot. After all, this woman has listened to me, held my hand, and cried with me, but, Darn, I am selfish with my exercise time!

while it lasts, since everyone seems to think this person is a doomed drop-out(!). use the gym class as a lower intensity cardio class/warm up, then either straight after, or later that day, do a total body, endurance workout, MIS or PH, to really feel like you have done YOUR workout. Then on the days you are at home, really go for it on the cario or whatever.

Maybe the friend won't fade? I hope not.


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