Need Advice on Weight Rotation


Hi All!!

I'm hoping someone out there can give me some advice while Cathe's out enjoying her new little guy Kyle :)

I'm just finishing up a PS rotation (about 10 or 12 weeks) and am ready to move on to something fresh. I've just ordered Power Hour, but have heard that this workout is more endurance oriented. While I'm fine with transitioning to something a little less strenuous (although I'm sure it'll still be quite the challenge!), will I lose mass/strength gains if I'm not supplementing Power Hour with something else that's more strength oriented? I had contemplated one day of PH, with one day of MIS for strength. Is that recommended, or can I just stick with PH?? In addition, to avoid losing strength gains, should I be doing PH twice per week??

Any insight any of you could provide would be fab!!

Thanks! :)
Hi Nicole,

Although I'm not answering your questions, I do have a question or two for you, if you don't mind. What type of results/gains have you eperienced using the PS Series for that amount of time? What did PS do for you? What were your goals?

I just started back with the PS Series last week and was debating on how long to use the series before going back to my circuit format (alternating Circuit Max with cardio workouts for about a month).

Also, I know this is way beyond the two questions I originally stated :), but how often did you do the PS set per week, how much cardio did you do, and lastly did you progress with the weights?

I hope this isn't asking too much but I can't make up my mind as to how long I should stick with this rotation I'm currently doing. I was considering extending it until the end of May, even though my first intentions were to use it for the month of April only. I was hoping to have the Slow & Heavy set for May but right now I have too many other responsibilities to take of at the moment (oldest is a senior and has just decided that she wants to attend a different university so we are setting up a last minute campus tour before all non-refundable monies are sent to her first choice - what a mess!). :)

Hope I haven't been a bother but I would appreciate your comments and suggestions. :)

Hey Angie :)

I've been on a PS rotation for about 10 weeks. I've always read to keep with a rotation for 10-12 weeks for the best results (with the exception of S&H, which is 4 weeks). I've had nice results using PS. I can now do 'BIG GIRL' pushups (two full sets, and could probably do a third if I needed to), and was able to increase weights on just about every muscle group. I am up to I think 40 lbs on barbell chest presses (could probably do more, but don't have additional plates), previously starting at about 25 lbs. Additionally, I've noticed a more defined 'cut' look to my biceps and shoulders, a very welcomed result, and have more shapely defined quads. I'm sure you will still see results after a month or so, but probably to a lesser extent if you're only planning on using it for four weeks. I would recommend trying it out a bit longer, since it's a fun weight routine, and one that would allow nicer progression with a longer rotation.

Enjoy! :)
Thanks Nicole!

I will stay on the program until the end of May, longer if I can manage it! And actually I've been using the PS Series for two weeks. Yeah! I just checked my calendar - time is just getting from me. For a few of the exercises I have already upped the weights a bit. :) I see you gained lots of strength using this series so any time I feel the urge to switch programs I'll have to keep in mind what you've said here. I get bored/distracted easily, especially when new tapes are coming in the mail - gotta love those trades! :) As a matter of fact I think I'll print out your response.

Thanks for the advice and encouragement!

Hi Nicole,
Because I have the same worry you do about losing strength gains, when I do a PowerHour rotation I also include MIS and/or BodyMax with it. If doing just PH and MIS, then I'll do a 6 week cycle where I alternate them over the 6 weeks. For example:
weeks 1-3-5:
m- PH
w- MIS
f- PH
weeks 2-4-6:
m- MIS
w- PH
f- MIS
So I get the benefits of the endurance aspect, but I also don't worry about losing any strength gains previously made. And going as heavy as you can with PowerHour is quite a workout!
Also, another fun rotation for me is to use the 3 total body workouts in a rotation for 6 weeks.
m- BodyMax
w- MIS
f- PowerHour
You work each body part 3x/week plus the variety keeps it interesting! :)

Thanks Donna!! :)

That last rotation with Body Max looks like it would be wonderful!! From what I've heard from other Cathe-ites, it doesn't sound like I'm going to lose any strength gains from PH! And here I thought it was a more 'passive' workout! :)

Thanks so much everyone for your input!!
~ Nicole
two cents more!

I agree with Donna, that PH is NOT a passive work out. My rotations have alternated between PH 2/wk for 6 weeks and PS & Body max1/wk each for 6 wks. I had no loss of strength.

If on PH weights get light,(as I noticed after PS rotation), then be sure to increase your weights. :)

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
Getnfit38, do you have your cardio the same day as the weights or alternate and how often do you include cardio and for how long?

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