My first week with The Intensity Series!


Hi everyone and an extra BIG HELLO to Bobbi!

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for all your kind help and fitness wisdom that you have passed on to me in the short time I've been a member of this board! I've just finished my first week of Cathe workouts after losing 110 lbs. and FIRMing for the last year, and wanted to give a newbie's perspective on these workouts. I ordered IS, Cardio Hits, and thanks to Bobbi's generosity, I also have The Terminator!

I am absolutely rejoicing in the intensity and pure fun of these workouts! Coming from the point of view of a woman who just 18 months ago weighed 235 pounds, had no fitness level of which to speak, and whose vocabulary consisted of mostly "I can't", I want to tell you how wonderful I feel when Cathe pushes me to do my best during these workouts! PowerMax was a great "teaching" video for me--I was able to do almost all the choreography the first time through. IMAX2 I must reaaallllly modify, but I LOVE it! C&W I find to be just so much fun! The Viper, thy name is YOWZA! And I am absolutely head over heals for The Pyramids! I am still working on all of the choreography, blasts and strength moves, but I've never had so much fun while working so hard! When I first posted here and expressed doubt as to whether I was ready for Cathe, you all answered me with resounding "Yes, you are!!!" And you were right!

I can't tell you how grateful I am for all the wealth of information and support I've gotten from the wonderful people on this board. It makes my journey to a "Better Me" even more worthwhile. I know how mushy-gushy I sound, but seeing the improvements in my health and fitness level has been truly overwhelming, and I thank you all--and Cathe--for the motivation, encouragement and integrity with which you've so inspired me!

The Intensity Series ROCKS...And so do all of you!

***Edited to add: I got myself so excited by posting this that I just ordered KP&C/L&G!!!:7


Congrats on such a great accomplishment!! You are truly in the minority in acheiving such a huge weight loss....and maintaing it. I am glad you found Cathe and "us" and hope you keep on ordering and having just as much fun as we all do on a daily basis!

You go girl! Pretty soon you will be as buff and fit as Cathe herself!

I love reading your gives me motivation. I need to lose at least 35 lb., but i just can not seem to do it. When I read post like yours, it makes me think that I can do this.
I see you are from Ga.,I am too. I live in Bogart, a small town outside of Athens. Nobody ever knows where Bogart is.

Ahh, Kim! I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are a remarkable woman and not just for all the wonderful things you have accomplished and they are awesome, but for the joy and enthusiasm that jumps out of each of your posts. I'm so happy you found your way to the forums and I know we'll be working out together and sharing all the things there are to share here for years to come. I knew you were going to be another Cathe addict and isn't it a wonderful addiction to have? LOL! It's a privilege to be a little part of your fitness journey. Here's to a long, healthy and happy one! But remember, YOU were the wonderful 235 pound woman who took the first step and look at you now, there's no stopping you now! You are fabulous!:D
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
Kim.....that is so fantastic! 110 lbs! You are such an inspiration for others. I am a huge fan of the Terminator myself. I can tell you are becoming a Cathe addict like the rest of us!! KPC and Legs and Glutes will really ROCK you....keep up the awesome job....:)...Carole
Congratulations, Kim!! What a wonderful story!! You have done soooo well and your success just amazes me!! Can I ask what you did to lose the weight? I love hearing those types of stories!!! They truly motivate me.

Kim (yep....I'm a Kim too!!)
Hi Kim!

I'm having a mushy morning myself! You have a beautiful gift of expressing yourself and your personality with words! Thanks for the inspiring and emotional boost! Your accomplishments are amazing and I am in awe of you!

I am right here with you, with my arms wide open to hug the wonderful, witty, wise and generous women of this forum. I am often overwhelmed with emotion at the posts and replies of congratulations and/or encouragement that I find here. It is a priveledge to be a part of such a positive and warm community.

Congratulations and a heartfelt thank-you to you Kim!

Hello everybody (hi bobbi!) and thanks so much for your kind and caring words! I appreciate that you find my posts "inspiring" as sometimes when I reread them I annoy myself with how "cheerleader-y" they come across! And as for inspiration--I couldn't ask for more than what I get from you all!!!

Hi my fellow Kim! I lost my weight (it took @15 months) with portion control/nutritious food choices and exercise. I am the biggest pain-in-the-neck, picky-eater-vegetarian (yes, I was a very overweight veggie!), and I know I would've had a hard time sticking to a strict food program. My motto was "everything in moderation" although I did try to keep my protein high and carbs/sugar/refined foods low. I didn't deny myself, though, if I wanted a pasta or rice dish, I ate it--just in a much smaller portion. I had to learn that for me one Hershey Kiss was OK, but the WHOLE BAG wasn't! I started exercising with the one mile WATP tape 3x a week, and continued to increase my exercise until I was FIRMing 6x a week. Just recently I found these forums and Cathe, and I am so excited to be kicking things up a notch! Exercise has truly been my saving grace. Maintaining my loss is of the utmost importance to me, as I'm sure you're all familiar with the low stastics for those who manage to lose and actually keep the weight off! Maintaining is at times harder (both emotionally and physically) than losing, but my exercise committments keep me very balanced. From the bottom of my heart, it has been a true lifesaver.:)

I thank you, once again, for taking the time to expess yourelves with such positivity and sincerity! Yes, Bobbi, I am looking forward to many more years of Cathe together!:*

Wow, Kim! What a post! Congratulations on your weight loss and committment to exercise! I think you would be a great motivational speaker. Have you ever considered it?
Double WOW!

Kim, chiming in to say WOW WOW!! It seems very appropriate to welcome you on this day so universally identified with renewal and rebirth -- you've truly given yourself a renaissance and deserve to feel as wonderful as you obviously do! You are an inspiration in every way, and an articulate and eloquent and joyful poster -- all fabulous stuff for us! Welcome to the happy world of Catheites, and Happy Easter!!! Kathy S.
It is so nice to come here and read posts like this. THIS is what it is truly all about. I'm so impressed by your accomplishments and I can feel through your words that YOU are proud of YOU too! I got goose bumps reading it.

Keep on going! You are doing amazing! Cathe is simply the best!
Wow! Congratulations and welcome to us other Cathe Addicts. You will absolutely love KP&C, and L&G. The forums are a wealth of information. I was a longtime lurker before joining myself. Go on and continue inspiring us-we support each other on the forums. I agree that the intensity series is awesome.:)

Hello again, Kim! Thanks for another inspirational post!

I think the operative motto here on the Cathe forums is: "You Can." Here is one of the few places where you'll be encouraged to do your best, which can and does get better and better each and every week. You'll be given permission to work hard for your goals, and not patted on the head and told to take it easy because you're overreaching. You won't be coddled or condescended to, and you will be listened to, because I think your experience is educational for all of us as well as inspirational.

You will also, obviously, be encouraged at each and every opportunity to buy and use more Cathe workouts. And you're gonna love KPC/LG. The KPC ab song will be swooshing around your head for hours afterward (you need a stability ball for it).

Kim, what a totally awesome post. You described exactly how I felt the first week I ventured into Catheland, but I could never have put them into such meaningful words like you did. Horray for you. We all knew you were ready. You just gotta do it and now, like the rest of us, we know you are HAPPY! What a success story you have to tell too. You might want to post it on the "Sucess Forum". Thank so much for sharing with us all.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Kim,

Congratulations on your success!! KPC/L&G are great workouts!! Thanks for sharing your great story!! It was so nice to read!!


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