Madonna's new video ?

Haven't seen it, but I've never seen Madonna not look good. She must be 100% mesomorph. She is very inspiring to me because she is my age! I'll have to look for the video.
Hi Bobbi,

Yes, that sounds like the one, she looks like a bit of an action girl in it, and she sword fights (or fences) with herself. I agree, her figure is amazing !

I saw pics of her from her movie Swept Away. She definately has an athletic boy-type figure (no hips!). I heard they wanted her to lose some of the muscle since she looked a tad too muscley (not sure if she did).
I guess if we had a chef making us macrobiotic meals (which is what she's on- very, very restrictive), we'd be more a little more like her!
Macrobiotic diets if I recall correctly are very strict vegan diets :-hmmm

I have the book Madonna's personal trainer put out a few years ago and he says Madonna calls him every night and ask "what time is church tomorrow?" I think that is cute, it does become like part of some peoples religion I'm sure.

Hi Edith,

Just wondering what the author and title of that book is. I'd love to read it. Was the information in it worth the purchase price?


It is called Fitness Is Religion. I cannot remember the author's name right now. It is a pretty good book. Ray K... something, I think. It was written before Madonna had her kids, back when she ran and lifted.
Re the new video -- no, I haven't seen it in its entirety, just clips of the making of it. I, personally, didn't like the look of what I saw -- I thought she looked scarily apocalyptic. Plus, I really hate torture in videos or movies.

Then, again, I haven't seen the whole video -- so maybe I'll like it.

I'm OK with her muscles, but have thought her face looks terribly haggard, ravaged and "raw" lately.

Heard from my hairdresser yesterday that the critics have panned "Swept Away". Several critics made the comment that there are very few, if any, spoiled-rotten rich, champagne-drinking heiresses out there with buff, muscular bodies like Madonna's sporting. Plus, sorry, Madonna can't act -- never could!

Patricia (Catricia)
I have to agree with this 100%.

Torture is a daily reality in many countries of the world (just look South of the US borders at the history of Chile, Argentina, Guatemala, El Salvador, the list goes on ). I wonder how victims of despotic regimes would feel seeing torture glamorized for financial gain in such a way, and by someone who can have absolutely no idea at all of this reality? Bad taste hardly covers it. Who cares what the woman's body looks like in comparison? (No intent to offend her admirers, my personal feelings on the issue before I get lambasted).

Oh, and please someone get her off the London stage for good.

Thanks I am not a huge Mads fan (I do have 1 of her albums) I like mainly her later work but agree with you on the torture front like many she has always been a very ambitous and driven lady.

I have no comments on her acting I haven't seen any of her movies from start to finish. Oh but I love the vid and the song re: the bull fighter it always makes me think of a 40's movie with Ava Gardner (no not the barefoot countessa) at least I think its Ava :-hmmm I digress.

Hi Clare,

I agree, she is c**p at acting ! I thought she was playing some kind of action girl ? Have to agree on the torture though, that is not good.

Fitness if Religion is by Ray Kybartas (a total hottie btw)..and he's no longer her trainer. He was her trainer during her big running phase....then she got into pilates and yoga instead. Supposedly thats all she does with the very occasional run added. She sure looks good!
If i'm not mistaken, it was her days of lifting that got her those muscles. She maintains it by doing long sessions of Ashtanga yoga... can't remember where I read that...
Macrobiotic diets are very strict- they have you eat certain percentages of whole grains and cereals, beans and veggies. You can sometimes have fish, nuts and seasonal fruits. You are not to have anything processed, like sugar or flour, dairy, poultry, meat or eggs. I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting, but this is an idea.

I don't think the average person could eat this way without a chef on hand. Plus, it seems to deprive a lot of nutrients. I know there's a whole philosophy behind macrobiotics.

Gwyneth Paltrow is also on this diet and I remember she had a baker make her chocolate cakes made with carob, no sugar or anything, since she wouldn't eat the real choc cake in the movie Shallow Hal.
Remember what she used to look like before the True Blue album?
I like the fact that she started sporting muscles on videos before most women did. You could also tell it took lots of hard work and dieting to get there because she was chubby in her Like a Virgin tour. She looks good.

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