looking for new videos


New Member
Hi, all! I'm relatively new to Cathe's videos (LOVE HER!!) and want to venture out to other video's besides her step videos, but still want a cardio workout. Would the imax be the best option?

Also, can someone tell me the difference between interval and circuit? I'm clueless, there.

Hi and welcome. Im been new since Feb. If im correct or someone can correct me Interval is where you do aerobic then a blast where you really get your heart rate up and repeat which I think on the imax is 10 interval and circuit is cardio & strength where you use weights and cardio mix. With imax you do use a step so I don't know if that is what you want. Cardio kicks, kickbox, MIC, and bootcamp you don't need the full size step. With bootcamp I use a foot stool and modify the medicence ball with an 8lb dumbell. Good luck:)
I have only been doing Cathe workouts now for about 3 months! I just received Cardio Kicks and really like it. You don't need a step or any other equipment for this workout. I think it is fun and different. I would also put in a vote for one of her srength workouts if you don't have any of those. Boot Camp gives you a little bit of cardio mixed in with all kinds of stuff...weight work, abs, kickbox. It's a really great workout and has a very unique format in my opinion. I'm sure others who have been around longer will help you more. Enjoy!
Interval workout is when you push yourself into anerobic phase. Anerobic phase is when you are above your maximum aerobic range. This range varies from person to person, based on your level. In Interval Max (1 and 2), you'll have your aerobic phase (stepping), then a short anerobic phase and finally recovery phase where you lower your HR back to your aerobic phase. Cathe goes through 10 intervals in her both of her Interval Maxs. Because anerobic phase is very hard on your joints, you are supposed to put a rest day (no interval training, aerobic is OK) before doing another one.

Circuit training is doing 'different' exercises in short cycles within a session. This could be alternating aerobic and strength training in one session, i.e. Circuit Max. Actually alternating step, hi-lo and kickbox within 1 workout could also classify as circuit training. And alternating chest, back, biceps, triceps, shoulder and repeating the sequence can also be called circuit training!

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