Litterbugs, GRRR, GRRR!


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-02 AT 01:18PM (Est)[/font][p]Why, why , WHY are people such pigs??!! It has finally cooled off here in FL so this morning I went for a powerwalk. The route I take leads me past the river where I can see dolphins jumping and beautiful sunshine sparkling on the water. Then I look down and see garbage everywhere - it makes me want to puke! Broken beer bottles, fast food wrappers, aluminum cans, diapers etc. People just toss crap out of their car windows and drive off without a care. Meanwhile all the waterbirds, gators and other wildlife are having their environment polluted. Man, I am so fuming! What the heck is WRONG with people?!!?

Just had to vent, thanks for reading!

I have to agree with you here! Littering is probably my biggest pet peave. It seems like I am always driving behind people who throw things out of their cars. The other day someone threw out a plastic bottle, like a gatorade bottle. I guess he thinks someone will pick it up for him. Or he just doesn't care what happens to it. Oh and I always see people throw their cigerette butts out the window. I cannot tell you how much I dislike that. Don't get me going any more on this topic...grrr Heather
I was so incredibly shocked the other day when the guy in front of my car threw a Coke can out his window!!! I just cannot believe that people do that. It is unbelievable, and just so terrible :-( You're right, they are pigs!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-02 AT 06:02PM (Est)[/font][p]I hate 'em too! They seem to either not give a rat's @$$ about the environment, or think that someone else will clean up after them (I see the same thing with people leaving toilet paper and other paper messes on the bathroom floor here at the university).
Two litter anecdotes:
1) I was in the drive=up line at Taco Bell waiting for a bean burrito, when a teenager in the car in front of me threw the paper covering of her straw out the window. There was a garbage can conveniently placed right at the drive exit, but I guess she couldn't wait.

2) A friend and I used to take walks around town and would sometimes go to a small park near us. There was always some garbage around: a stray beer can or bottle usually. But the worst littering I saw was what looked like all the wrappings from a gift--- paper, ribbon and bow,box, even the styrofoam that had encased the item in the box. I just imagined a couple driving out to the park, then someone opening the gift and tossing the wrappings out the window.

Although I guess that's not as bad as the ravine we used to walk by, just outside of town, where blithering idiots used to dump stoves, refrigerators and other big items. Where is the immediate wrath of God when you need it? These people should be struck by lightening!

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