Leg Lifts for Outer Thighs


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-02 AT 02:19PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-02 AT 01:57 PM (Est)[/font]

How do you target the outer thigh area? When I do outer thigh leg raises I feel it mostly in the hip area. What am I doing wrong?


You're not doing anything wrong. I'm presuming you're doing either standing or side-lying leg raises, abducting the leg out to the side. The action in this leg raise happens at the hip joint; thus the hip area is where you should be feeling it.

If your intention is to reduce fat stores in the outer thigh area, please know that you cannot spot-reduce fat stores in any body area; where you store fat is genetically determined. In order to reduce fat stores overall, you want to maintain a good well-rounded fitness program that incorporates aerobic and muscle strengthening work for all the muscle groups.

Annette Q. Aquajock
Thanks. I've read that these exercises are good for the hips and thighs. I only feel it in the hips. I'm glad to know I'm doing the exercise right although I was hoping it would firm the outer thigh area as well.

That's where I feel it too. I also do the outer thigh machine which hits that area. The other posts are right, you may also want to lose fat to see any change in that area since it can be a tough area to change (but changes can be made!)

As for the question from the other post, saddlebags are on the lower hip/outer thigh area where some people store fat. It can kind of protrude out from the leg. Sorry for the vague description!
If you have to ask the question, you'll probably don't have them. :) Saddlebags is a term used to describe a bulge of fat on the upper outer thigh. It's the area just below the hips on the outside of the upper thigh. Hopefully diet and exercise can help you reduce fat overall and in the particularly annoying saddlebag area. However, if it's an area where you are genetically inclined to store fat it maybe a situation that some may have to live with. Comments to the contrary?

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