Interval Max vs Circuit Max


Hi, I'm fairly new to Cathe and want to know the difference between Interval Max and Circuit Max in terms of workout format and desired results. Also, which is best for losing weight?
Interval Max is an interval workout which means that it has a few minutes of a step routine followed by an interval blast where you should get anaerobic. IMax has 10 intervals. Circuit Max is a circuit where you do 5 or 6 (can't remember) circuits with about 5 minutes of cardio followed by a few minutes of upper body strength training. They're both very intense workouts. I'd say they are Cathe's most intense and difficult workouts at least for me.

In terms of weight loss, they have different goals. Interval training (going from aerobic to anaerobic stage) burns more calories than an aerobic workout. Plus it improves your cardio capacity so you have more endurance during other cardio workouts and therefore burn more calories. Circuit training has a similar effect because you get high in the aerobic zone (maybe even aerobic) during the cardio portions then your heart rate comes down during the strength work but is still aerobic. During CM, you do compound moves, i.e. lower body exercises like squats while doing the upper body strength training to keep your heart rate in the aerobic zone. Also because CM has weight training you build muscle which burns more calories than fat.

If I had to choose one and my interest was losing weight I'd choose IMax, but I think both are an excellent choice for weight loss. Personally I think that you'd probably be better off getting IMax for the cardio and one of Cathe's strength tapes for weight training.
Thanks for the great response. Another question. What do you mean by eating "clean?" I see this in a number of other posts and am curious, I'm sure others are too. Thanks for all your input.

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