
Hello all. Yesterday I decided to try my new IMAX 2/C&W dvd. Anyhow, since I was crunched on time, I thought I would try the C&W Step only premix. I ended up falling off my step (only using the platform) and did a number to my foot/ankle. Back in September I fell down a flight of steps at work and ended up tearing ligaments in my ankle. My foot/ankle is swollen and turning colors on me. What I'm bummed about is that I was JUST starting to get back into the fitness routine. I was all excited. I guess I can still do my 7upper body weights, and just SOME lower body stuff?!?! Skip the cardio for a few weeks?!?!

Kim - I am soooo sorry to hear about your injury! I have bad ankles too and have sprained mine several times in the past. I have to be really aware and careful when doing aerobics/step etc.

Well, might be a GREAT time to start the S&H series or something truly focused on strength. Make the most of it. Plus, give yourself a break. Sometimes a couple week break can do your body wonders when you come back.

Don't get down. Figure out how you can make the most of it and give your ankle time to repair? I haven't sprained mine in a number of years and they have gotten much stronger!

Also - might want to check and make sure you have good shoes with strong stability support:) That has made the world of difference for me as I am a clutz. I will fall in the middle of a parking lot with NOTHING around me....my ankles will just give out on me.

Cyber hugs to you!!!! :+
Thanks for your sympathy Fitnut!! I've been a clutz all my life. Like you, I will fall without anything at all around me. It gets very frustrating, and I'm finding the past couple of years it has only gotten worse (or maybe I'm noticing it more since this body is getting older, and YES, so much more out of shape!!). I don't have S&H, but I think I am going to try my new CTX Upper Body tape tonight, and mayb etomorrow do a lower body floorwork tape.

Hey Kim,

I am so sorry about your ankle! I know very well how frustrating it is to be hurt just when you are getting back into your workout routine. That happens to me so often, it seems as though I'm off more than I am on. My hip is my problem area, and it always has been. The last year has been much much worse, though, and I'm needing to modify my approach to working out a lot. The last few days have been my first reintroduction to exercise in a month, and it's difficult, because I have to be soooo careful. Just make sure to be very careful, and do whatever exercise you can safely do. You'll be grateful for that when you come back. Good luck!! and go to the doctor if you can :)

I don't have any advice but thought I'd commiserate, I fell off my step last week doing IMAX2, the 6th interval blast. I wound up on the floor indian style next to the step. I guess it was my body's way of not crashing into the tv set, to sit down! I was only temporarily hurt though, I'm sorry you hurt your foot and ankle again!

Boy, Can I Relate!

I'm worse than bad! I broke my toe two weeks ago, so I thought I'd forgo lunges for a bit. Well, enough time had passed and I figured I was all healed up so I tried doing a lunge with 78 lbs. on my shoulders!! Talk about stupid! My toe gave out and the bar fell right on my neck! Needless to say, I now have a sore neck and a sorer toe!! :eek: Will we ever learn?

You're friend in klutziness! :7

Sherry http://www.gif-seite.de/vorschaubilder/smilies/laola.gif


Sorry for laughing but I could just picture you sitting there cross-legged and stunned! Or, did you do the "Get-up-real-fast" and look around to see if anyone was watching??? Sorry, I don't mean to offend you. It just struck me funny. Glad you are okay.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Kim & Sherry!

Kim~I'm so sorry to hear of your accident. Take this time to really hit the upper body, ABS and maybe some floor work. Keep us posted. Heal soon!

Sherry~How are you doing? Boy, oh boy, we just can't take a break, can we? (BEEN THERE with my broken toe last summer.) It is hard but be sure you get it healed. Take care!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Kim & Sherry!

Hi everybody!! Thanks for all the sympathy!! Guess I needed it!! ;-) Sherry, I'm sorry about your toe. It is very frustrating when this happens. I have a hard time staying on the bandwagon as it is, so when I get an unwelcomed "interruption" such as this, it really ticks me off!! I haven't done any workouts as of yet since this happened, but I have been keeping my foot elevated as soon as I get home from work/school, and it is a pretty easter egg, but the swelling is going down now (just a little at this point) and it's easier to walk on than it has been. I'm hoping if I can continue to be a good girl that I will be able to return (w/very low impact, of course) to cardio as well as weights in the next week!!

RE: Kim & Sherry!

Hi Kim--

Sorry to hear about your injury That is a bummer, esp. when you were on "a roll" w/ your program.

When I broke my foot pretty badly about 2 years ago, I couldn't do cardio/impact at all for 8 weeks. I was WAY bummed. But the doctor said I could do upper body work and non impact floor leg floorwork.

Believe it or not, my upper body just blossomed w/ muscle!!! Between using crutches and solely focusing on weight work, it was awesome. And, by just doing the floor work for legs, I was able to maintain a respectable amount of strength there as well.

Getting back to the cardio/higher impact stuff was easier than I had
thought it would be.

Hang in there.. the most important thing is healing yourself up! Don't push yourself, its not worth reinjury!


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