I have a hangup.


I have a friend at work who I have recently started to hang out with more. When I am around her I start to feel like maybe I just eat a lot/uncontrolablly. She really doesn't eat much and seems to be able to control what/how much she eats very well. I feel like when I am around her I eat way more than her and maybe I should cut down. Maybe this is my own issues with questioning how much I should be eating and how often I "cheat". I have a diificult time being around her sometimes.
Two things: get some snacks and make sure you're not too hungry when you're with her. I know what you mean about the company of certain people. I can't put my finger on it though.

Maybe you wish you had your lunch hour more to yourself, so you're making it up to yourself by eating? One good thing is that you've recognized it!! Let's see what others say.
Maybe she doesn't eat much because she doesn't exercise - she won't require much calorie.

To be honest, just eat as much as your body requires. You should listen to your body, not watching other people and emulating them, we all have different metabolisms and we eat accordingly. Maybe she is dieting or is very controlled about what she eats, in which case, she sounds really boring! I usually do the opposite, I eat more when I am around company and less when I am on my own because I like to show off that I can eat whatever I want and still stay slim.

You guys make sense. I am really glad to hear this feedback. It helps me to feel a little better.
Hello again,

I was thinking about your friend compare to my friend. I know this girl who just loves to eat and she likes to eat a lot! When I am with her, I cannot eat healthily because she doesn't. Luckily, she likes to work out a lot! So we go running together and come home and have pizza, ice cream, chocolate cake etc. How different is she to your friend?

I have to take up for those people out there who are very disciplined in their eating because I am one of them. I choose to eat healthy and I am very disciplined in how I eat and get constant remarks from people I work with about what I'm eating or how much or how little. I'm simply eating to maintain my weight. I also do intense exercise 5 days a week. I wish I could eat burgers and fries for lunch like my co-workers, but I simply cannot eat that stuff if I want to stay in shape. I choose to eat by myself at lucnh now because the constant remarks about what I'm eating is completely aggravating. I don't know why people are so interested in what I'm eating anyway. If you feel like you are eating too much in the presence of this other person, then that is your own hang up. I'm sure nobody cares what you are eating or how much you are eating. Concentrate on relaxing and making new friends over lunch instead of who's eating what.

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