I broke my band--again!


I've broke my second resistance band doing leg presses. I have a Reebok step and it doesn't have the "groove" that Cathe describes for the step she uses, so I'm not sure if it's being snapped by my step, or if I'm holding it too tightly.

Has anyone else had this problem? Do you think the resistance tubes might be a little stronger than the bands for this particular exercise?

Oh my Leslie! You must be eating your wheaties! lol I remember reading on this forum where some of the other girls broke their bands. Maybe you could do a search to find that thread. Mine has a little hole in it, but not sure how that happened.

Sorry, I don't have any advice for you.

>Has anyone else had this problem? Do you think the resistance
>tubes might be a little stronger than the bands for this
>particular exercise?

Resistance tubes would be stronger, but you can also get resistance tubes that have a "sleeve" over the center of them, so you can use them under a step, and the sleeve protects the tube. I think www.power-systems.com carries them. If not, then Spri might.

You could also try modifying the move by not putting the band under the step, but holding it down with your foot.

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