honeybunch - Y question


Active Member
Today I called up the local YMCA like I said I planned to do in that other thread about pursuing fitness related employment. The fitness director there suggested that I start by becoming a 'personal fitness coach', which is working in the weight room with clients, helping them get started on the machines. She thought this would be a good start, and possibly segue into other things that I am interested in, like teaching fitness classes.

Just wondered, since you already work there, what you thought of this suggestion? On the one hand, it sounds like it has good potential; on the other hand, I don't want to be the person, as my sister put it so well, that just wipes everyone's sweat off of the equipment!

Thanks for any thoughts -
If you are very sure you want to be a personal trainer, then I would go ahead and pursue getting certified through ACE, AFAA, or whatever organization you want. You could still work at the Y as a "person fitness coach" to get your foot in the door, but I would definitely get certified anyway on your own.

Just Do It! :)
Thanks honeybunch for your opinion. I think I will focus on the ACE certification for now. My youngest child starts Kindergarten next year, so I think that I will wait until then to accept employment anywhere. For now I will work on certification and getting in better shape. My goal is to find a direction that will enable me to stay involved in fitness, and to keep myself challenged and in shape. I'm not sure what that is right now. I was thinking that teaching fitness classes would be a fun way to stay in shape and to be involved in fitness. Any other ideas?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-02 AT 05:40AM (Est)[/font][p]You may want to think about finding a niche area to target. Would you like to work with older adults? Kids? Beginners? I want to try to market to golfers who want to get in shape for their sport, for example. Also, ACE has a place to go to if a person want to find a trainer in their area, so you will be listed on their website when you get certified.

For sure, though, get hooked up with your Y. They have free training for their PT's which is really nice. This Tuesday I'm going to an advanced weight training class and I don't have to pay for it! How cool is that?!

Just Do It! :)

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