Home Stepper Works


For all those people that have looked at those little mini steppers and wondered if they work, they do! I saw an ad on TV and was impressed, this one looked sturdier than most so I took a chance and it paid off, it's also a little bigger than the ones you see in the stores. I was looking for something for when I am not in the mood to go to the gym, or do a video. 30 minutes on this stepper with a weight in each hand and I am dripping, and I get to watch TV at the same time. This one has a lever for fast or slow, you put it on slow, and there is more tension, and you feel it in your calves the next day.I think the price was around $120.00 Just thought I would share!
which brand was it...brenda dygraf"s??.saw her infomercial on lateral thigh trainer but my new years resolution last year was NO MORE FITNESS INFOMERCIALS!! haha. I also saw one at Dick's sporting goods store
That's the one, it goes from side to side. I just did it again this morning, I'm telling you, I was sweating like crazy, I am sure using the weights has a lot to do with it. It is supposed to work the thighs, don't know about that?? But for a good little cardio session, it works for me.

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