HOLY SMOLEY!!! I am not ready for imax 2!

I've been doing Cathe's step tapes for awhile now, I have Step Fit, Power Max, Step Works, and All Step. I love all those workouts, and I have been doing them consistently. I bought Imax 2 off of ebay, and I just tried it today. My heart was pounding and my chest started aching! That's no good!! I couldn't get through it, so I ended up popping in Step Fit. I was so disapointed in myself! I guess I'm just not ready for it at all. Anyone have any recomendations on how to get there. Any step videos that are tougher than the ones I have, but not as tough as Imax 2?? Or should I up my cardio for awhile?? What do I do to be able to tackle Imax 2?
Are you doing it on a 4" step?? I always do new tapes at that level until I learn them and don't raise up until I feel I need the intensity higher....

No I did it with a 6 inch, thankyou, thats definatly something I will try next time!! silly me, not thinking of that before. I guess I'm just used to using 6 or 8 inches for all my videos, so it didn't even cross my mind.
I just wanted to mention too (I mentioned this in another post) that doing the CTX series boosted my cardio endurance big time! After only a few weeks of doing CTX cardio, I can get through IMAX and Body Max with no modifying. IMAX 2 is no problem whatsoever too. I couldn't believe how much stronger I became doing CTX! I absolutely love it!!

Danielle ;-)
Purplesky1120: I've got to say just hang in there and keep trying it. The 4-inch step height suggestion is a great one. I felt the same way you do when I first tried Imax 2. I had been doing the step tapes and thought I was in really good cardiovascular shape. It knocked me on my butt. However, I just kept trying to do it, using modifications where needed, and the improvement has been amazing. I rarely have to modify, and my chest doesn't feel like it's going to explode anymore. Don't give up on it altogether. I think the only way to conquer it is to do it!
I haven't tackled IMAX2 yet, but when I do, I intend to start off with the intervals 1-5 pre-mix. Did you get the DVD version? Then you could do the same. If not, you could still do it by fast-forwarding from the end of interval 5 to the cooldown.
Dont give up! Just start with less intervals, modify some of the moves if you have to, and allow yourself a little more recovery time between intervals if you need it. You'll see how fast you build up to being able to do the whole thing. Its a great feeling of accomplishment!

Hang in there!
Do not give up on this. You could get Gin's Intense Moves to do a couple times a week for say 3 weeks then try it again and see where you are. Also I 2nd a 4 inch step. Try doing half one day and half another day too, nothing wrong with that at all.

I feel the same way you do. When I first did it I thought I can never get through this, but Im going to try just doing 1 through 5 and see how I do. Another thing that is weird is I have been doing Cathe's step for about month and half, anyway I belong to the gym and also do the step classes there, but the past 2 weeks the classes just seem to be to easy for me now, because I think Cathe really gets your heart rate up. I feel like I am doing something, just wanted to share. Keep it up:7
Thanks everyone for the great suggestions, I'll definatly try using a 4 inch step, and breaking up the video into halfs until I can put it all together. I have been considering buying Gin's intense moves, but not sure yet. And don't worry I WON'T give up, I can't wait until I can do the whole thing, I'll be so proud...lol. It will be a great achievement. Thanks again everyone, your all so awesome here!! -Purplesky1120
> I have been considering
>buying Gin's intense moves, but not sure yet.

I LOVE Intense Moves. It is an intense workout, but the choreography is very straight-forward and the moves are athletic. Gin and her crew show at least three different levels for each move, so you can choose the one that suits you, and move up in intensity as you improve.

I definitely recommend this video (unless you find straight=forward choreography too boring).
One more thing to add..for the longest time I could only do Cathe workouts on a 4 inch step, then in my last S&H round, I decided to do a S&H tape first and then about 45 minutes of step after. Usually I do it the other way around. AFter a month of that, when I would just do a cardio only day I found that the 4 inch step wasn't challenging me anymore. Now I'm consistently on a 6 inch step. Even if I've already done weights. I swear it was the S&H first for a month that kicked me up a notch.


Which S&H are you doing before IMAX2? I did it for the 1st time yesterday and I made it through, barely. I'm not used to step anymore since I've been with the FIRM for the last two years. I got Cathe's MIS and was hooked. I thought about doing a S&H after that workout...but when I finished I couldn't do it so I just added the ab section from C/W and called it a day...I think if I did a S&H before that I could possibly get through it.

Aha! So you think maybe improving my strength will help out with tackling imax2!? There is definatly an idea, I'm sure that if work my muscles harder they won't complain so much!! I think I'm going to try imax2 again next week, this week I have been loading up the cardio a bit more than usual. For the past two weeks I have been doing a full body strength workout on Monday, PS BBA/CST on Thursday, and PS SLA on Friday. Thanks for the great suggestions!
I have to agree with Danielle on this one.

I have been doing mostly CTX cardios for the last month so I could concentrate more on weight training, and I did Imax 2 for a change this Tuesday and I completed it with no trouble at all, even though I rarely do the IMAX tapes more than twice per month. I did Powermax yesterday and it felt slow! It was a breeze, I flew through the air.
What I have just proved however, is two things, both of which were commented upon by Danielle and another poster on this thread: what seems to have worked for me is the combo of CTX intense cardios (and one day each week I double up and do 2 CTX cardios back to back) and the concentration on weight training, for strength.

When I was starting out, Gin Miller's Intense Moves was a tape I used a lot to help with endurance on intervals. It is totally not boring, even though the choreography is more straightforward. It leaves you free to not think about your feet but "jump higher" as Cathe urges you to do on Interval 10 of IMAX 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck!

Oops sorry not before IMAX2, I did the S&H before the Intensity Series came out, it was usually RS or BM.GOD I think I'd die if I did S&H before IMAX2. However, it was never the leg workout, I always did the arm workouts before.

Jill :)
I did it!!!!!! Just got done a few minutes ago, it was such a blast!
I did it w/out the risers, so just 4 inches, but that got me through it no problem...although I did modify a few things, namely interval 9... with the plie squats and jumps. ZOIKS! :):)

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