Hey Jillybean.....to eat sugar or not to eat sugar


Hi there girl, for what it's worth regarding the "to eat sugar or not to eat sugar" debate. I've been sugar free for the last year for reasons relating to nursing my baby and breast infections (too much to go into). I finally weaned the baby after much trouble and began to eat fruit sugar and more carbos like bread every so often (I never touched bread for the last year). Not a load more mind you, just every so often. And I have picked up a cappucino every so often (like once a week or two). In three weeks time I put on 8 pounds immediately. I was right around 100 for the last 8 months and I'm now 108. Clean eating and I mean completely clean (live on salads, protein, very little carbs and cut the sugar in any form) WILL get those last pounds off.

I did take measurements and found that I gained 1 1/4 inches on my backside, 1 inch on my thighs and 3/4 in my stomach, 1/2 in my upper arms from 1 month ago. Incredible huh. Plan of action is to hit S&H really hard for the next month and then cut the carbs and eat really clean and get back down in weight. Other than that, I'm not too bummed about this, just proves what eating right can do. I have to say I enjoyed this break from the diet, but plan to go at it again in a few weeks.

Just an interesting note....my baby hates sugar. She will eat broccoli, beans, peas, loves avocado, potatoes, (no carrots, too sweet) but when I try to give her ANY fruit ie, peaches, bananas, anything sweet...she wrinkles up her nose and spits it out. She will eat rice cereal, unless I add peaches or banana to it, then out it comes. Maybe she'll thank me one day!!!!

Wow! Those measurements sure do tell the story don't they? I was sugar free for 3 weeks, found out some bad news and binged for a few days straight. It was awful, and yet I enjoyed parts of it, kind of like you said, although yours doesn't sound like a binge. My clothes immediately felt tighter. So I got back on track and have been sugar/processed food/white flour free for another week now. Maybe it;s a good thing your baby doesn't like sugar! I babysat my 1 year old neice last night and she threw her veggies on the floor and grabbed a Nutri-Grain bar out of her diaper bag. Hmmm, I wonder where she got that from? What does a typical days eating look like for you, if you don't mind sharing your meal plan with me? Thanks so much for the motivation to keep clean!
Wow! You ate so clean for a whole year?? That's amazing that the weight came back on so quickly after splurging just a little bit- and bread isn't exactly a sinful treat! I guess what they say is true- the weight comes back on after any sort of "diet".

It's kind of a tough topic because obviously eating clean will help someone lose weight, but if the weight comes back on if you eat "normally" again, it's frustrating. I guess for most of us, the answer is to eat the cleanest choices and not eliminate foods we love. For me, that'd mean eating whole grain bread vs white bread.

Funny too that your baby hates sweets. I wonder if she'll ever want sweets- I can't imagine a 5-year old not wanting a cookie, but not many babies start out eating so well like yours.

Thanks for your post- it was interesting!
I'm with Briee, I've not touched a grain of sugar since August 2001 and it's been worth it too.

I have something like old fashioned oats, brown rice protein shake and one egg for breakfast, 6oz grilled protein, 1 cup whole slow cooked grain w/2 cups vegetables for lunch and dinner, I eat fruit and cheese for snack once or twice a day,use real butter and olive oil, and admit to whole milk can't stand the skim or 2%.

There are certainly days I'm tired of this or bored but I keep on because I feel 200% better. Mood swings are evened out, depression is a thing of the past, more energy, and I've lost 80 lbs.

I do eat red meat and tempeh and tofu also for protein. I think this is probably about as clean as I'll ever be able to get my diet.

Edith, thanks for chiming in here. I'm glad you posted your diet as it's probably more realistic than mine. I'm hesitant to post mine as it's a little weird, but I feel great on it. Other's might not be the same.

Morning I drink my 2 oz OJ (ala Maribeth) and barley green prior to w/o. Post workout I drink a protein shake (no sugar, made by Naturade, No soy veggie protein gives me about 26 grams protein, tastes like c**p, but tolerable). Then I don't eat until after 12:00 sometime usually around one I eat a huge salad with sometimes tuna or salmon on it. No dressing or lo fat vinegar style and many times avocado on top. Then I eat a protein bar (biochem, high protein, lo carb, no sugar) later in the after noon. For dinner I'll eat either more fish or almond butter on triscuits or just plain fish. I eat nuts such as almonds throughout the day for a snack. At night I sometimes add another protein shake. I have been trying to increase the protein as I have been doing S&H work quite a bit and I need it.

I will admit that eating to me is fueling the body, I feel so good when I eat like this that it keeps me going. If I mess up, I have mood swings and feel crummy. I too use olive oil and I'm completely vegan except for the fish. Tough, but worth it. If I worked in the real world it would be very hard to avoid the junk, being home in the country helps. Hope this helps.

Do you non-sugar eaters also stay away from dried fruits (I know the sugar concentration is higher) or not???

I would also love to hear exactly what a no sugar/processed food diet really looks like.

Any info would be appreciated!1

I am not sugar-free, but I eat very little. I have really tried to clean up my diet the last few weeks. This is an example of my day, tell me what you think??? For breakfast I have 1/2 c. oatmeal, 2 T. pumpkin seeds, 1 T. ground flax, 1/2 banana, and 2 sc. Simply Whey made the night before. Then I will have a 1/2 c. fruit, and 2 more sc. pro powder. Lunch I had 1 egg, 2 whites, about 10 baby shrimp, onion, gr. pepper, and a sprinkling of Ff Cheese w/ a Van's Multi grain Waffle. Then a Lean Body Pro Bar, Texan Pecan. For dinner I am having 6 oz. of tuna, 1/2 c. chick peas, onion gr. pepper, balasmic vinegar and a big bowl of veggies. For my last meal I will a MyoLite, choc. cream. That is how I have been trying to eat. I will have a bag of Healthy Choice popcorn sometimes, or some Rye Crisps with Laughing Cow Light Cheese on them. Once a week I have 2 Choc. Chip Chunk ice cream desserts from WW's, it is about 400 calories. That is my one treat per week. I have not weighed myself, it always sets me back. Either I am happy and cheat more, or I am mad and binge, but my pants feel more comfortable. I am starting my third week of this. I will probably weigh in about another month.
Lori S.

My food plan is a sugar free no processed food one. It does include dairy and red meat I'm not a vegetarian or vegan (but do applaude that lifestye and think it's great Briee). In other words you can eat sugar free, non processed food and eat meat and dairy. It's a little extra work but very much worth it. I'd be happy to to give you as many other details as you want.

And no I don't eat dried fruit.

I'm completely vegan except for the fish. >

An interesting use of terminology. Kind of like "I'm vegetarian, except for the meat"?
Thank you guys for sharing!!! I think I am going to try to ease into this lifestyle over the next year. I really applaud you all - it takes such discipline and dedication to really commit to such a program!!

Thanx Again~!:)

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