Hey Anna/Bernard


Hi Anna.
I was wondering what your current rotation is like? I've been following your progress, and am kind of your "cyber stalker" only in a good way! LOL! I plan to order new tapes today, but have been afraid to buy the wrong ones for my ability.
One more thing, totally off subject, I am addicted to Ground Force, but WHAT is with that braless woman?!?! Don't get me wrong, I love her, but huh?
Thanks a bunch!
Hi Dawn,

Oooooo, I am honoured to have you as my 'cyber-stalker' ! :7
My current rotation has been a combination of the Wedding Video, Mega Step Blast and Circuit Max (love those planks !), with Imax once a week (I did Imax last Sunday, and yesterday). I am still easing my body into Cathe. I have done Circuit Max 3 times in the past 2 weeks (its quite a new addition to my collection, as is Imax). They are not for the faint-hearted though I must admit, and not good beginners tapes. Last week I was supposed to start Donna's (Getnfit@38) Fat Melting rotation, but DH had a week off work, which quite frankly was a complete shock to the system and blew my workout plan into cyber-space. So, I just did my own thing last week:

Sunday: Imax (for the first time - I lived to tell the tale !)
Monday: Mega Step Blast
Tuesday: Circuit Max
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Hallowe'en Party/Rest
Friday: Wedding Step part
Saturday: Wedding strength part
Sunday: Imax

Tonight I was going to do cardio kicks (and start the Fat Melting Rotation) for the first time, but I have hurt my blasted right leg this morning, so tonight and tomorrow night will have to be my rest days :-rollen. Not happy about that, I cursed myself and hobbled all the way home this morning.

I started off with Mega Step blast and the Wedding video, which IMO, are great starting off tapes. I stupidly started with the Wedding video, but wish I had actual done Mega Step Blast first, as it is a nicer pace, and very good introduction to Cathe's step moves (Which will make you sweat like you have never sweat before !). The strength part of the Wedding video is fantastic too, brilliant floor work - I always sound like I am in labour when attempting the lying on your side, leg raises ! So, so far I have been relying on the strength part of the Wedding video, for light weight work. However that will change soon, as I intend to purchase MIS, and Powerhour, which have gotten brilliant reviews on the forum - biceps here I come. AND, you have got to have a go at planks, as they will revolutionise your middle area !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I LOVE Ground Force too, apparently Charlie Dimmock hates wearing a bra when she is gardening, it became a standing joke in the UK. I just ADORE Alan Titchmarsh - in fact I fancy the pants off him, he is one gorgeous guy. Have you read his novels ? They are very good. Unfortunately, he has quit Ground Force just this Autumn (and another Gardening Show he had on the BBC), so it will be someone new in the future hosting it. It is a shame, but Charlie and Tommy will still be in the show.

Well, I've got to dash (hobble) off now to pick DD up from school - it is 2.45pm in the UK at the moment. Have fun, ordering your new vids, Dawn !

Anna :)

To add to your Ground Force comments it was a "personality" clash as Alan puts it that led to him leaving the show. On the last series you could certainly see the strain and there were some very snide comments during the gardening aspects of the show.


Can I ask have you been watching What not to wear? by any chance.

Hi Babs,

Have to admit I have only watched a couple of What Not To Wear, but it is a good series, isn't it ? I also like that confidence programme BBC2 ran, where they seemed to revolutionise an unconfident person into Mr or Miss Confident, did you see those ?
And what about Pop Rivals ? The two girls that went on Saturday had to go, they sounded like a cats chorous !?!?! I am so peeved that my favourite boy quit the show last week too, he was ADORABLE, I hope they give him a solo career (Swoon).

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-02 AT 12:14PM (Est)[/font][p]OOOPS ! DOUBLE POSTING !!!!
I love What not to wear a lot of the women featured had lost weight and were still dressing several sizes too big. They lack confidence but the transformations were so good that month late they were still dressing as they had been told and they all gain some much confidence.

Pop Rivals I agree to have gotten so far and no one checked! I find that unbelievable he was good you never know he may be sitting in a record producer office as we speak.

Hi! I only get to see what BBC America shows and I think we are behind. On Changing Rooms, Carol now has blond hair, so how far behind is that? Graham Norton kills me, love him. American tv is never that bawdy, except on cable.
In regard to the rotation, I have CTX All-step, Step Jam, and Mega Step Blast. I have been doing my Firms for weights, but I have a hard time warming up to the instructors. I am going to try the 4 week BodyMax, Cardiokicks, Imax, PH, Circuit Max Rotation, if it doesn't kill me. Have a wonderful day!

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