Have you noticed in Imax 1


Have you noticed in Imax 1 on the 1st interval just about when they're going to start the short cool down,the gal on the right of cathe drops something right when they are finishing up the around the bench? And when they start to move side to side she pushes it under the step? I saw that and could not figure out what it was.
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I watched this and also saw a spot in the interval blast, during the power 7's where something falls and she seems to catch it. Has anyone noticed this? It is in the 1st interval blast, same girl,she is facing away from the camera, but before the cooldown where she kicks it under the step.
No, I haven't seen it! I think I am too busy trying to power through this beast of a workout to even notice.:7
I just got this DVD this week to give me something new to do before the July RT. I haven't done the IMAX yet. I will be sure to look for the bloopers though. Can anyone tell me if this is comparable to the other IMAX. I don't have any other Cathe DVD's that old.

Imax is comparable to 2 and 3 in that there are ten step sections followed by interval blasts.

Dont let the age of the workout trick you. Once you get past the dated feel, you will get an awesome workout. I think Imax 1 and 3 are harder than Imax 2. This workout is killer and wears me out every time i do it.

The choreography is very simple, but the blasts really challenge you. Epsecially the last one (number 10) because you are soooo tired. At least I am anyway and I have been doing Cathe workouts for years and consider myself advanced.

Its an oldie but a goodie! Enjoy :)

I havent noticed the bloopers either. I'll have to check it out next time I pop in this dvd.

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