Have you gone from flabby abs to washboard abs?

Suz in NZ

My abs are the only part of me not willing to tone upx( If you have had really flabby abs (especially if you have had several kids!), and have turned them into dream abs...please tell me how you did it!!

I have not had several kids...only one. He's 19 months old and my abs look better now then they did before I got pregnant so there is always hope girl!:)

I don't have the abs of "my dreams" but I'm as close as I've ever come...I definately have definition that I never had before!:+
Lately, I've been exercising less and not eating nearly as clean and my abs actually have DEFINITION??? I just give up.
my opinion.....

part food
part genetics
and part proper form w/ ab work

I used to do tons of crunches. Have found much better results slowing down, working on form, and adding that squeeze [contraction] at the right moment. It made a big difference for me. Good luck!
Don't have washboard abs but my abs are flatter than they have ever been. I think it comes from mostly clean eating and consistent exercise. I don't do abs every day either. I'm pleased with the results.
I think alot has to do with hormones. (I always blame the hormones) After four children, washboard abs are just not in the picture. That is not to say I am not in great shape. Whenever I start getting hard on myself about my stomach, I remind myself that I can do 30 pushups on my toes! Strength and beauty are not necessarily found on the airbrushed pages of magazines.

I think alot has to do with hormones. (I always blame the hormones) After four children, washboard abs are just not in the picture. That is not to say I am not in great shape. Whenever I start getting hard on myself about my stomach, I remind myself that I can do 30 pushups on my toes! Strength and beauty are not necessarily found on the airbrushed pages of magazines.

p90x made my abs flatter. probably because of all the pushups,pullups,coresynergistics,and yoga. fittest i've ever been!

Abs definitely flabby this time of year! Just finished decorating sugar cookies with DD whose home with a cold. Do ya think I resisted them????
The secret to great abs can be found in the kitchen. It's 90% clean diet. That's why I rarely do traditional ab work. I don't eat clean so I figure why bother. I prefer to do core exercises and functional fitness moves. This way I'm exercising my back and abs at the same time. I had two children --two c-sections-- and my abs don't look that bad. There's a little loose skin, but otherwise it's pretty flat down there.
It sounds like abs are a bigger problem than I feared:+
I bet if I did a poll on the parts of our bodies that we are the most uncomfortable with...abs would probably top the list!
Suz- don't be discouraged. I have had two kids and just lost 60 pounds. I do have a bit of the loose skin thing, but hey, that's OK. My abs have NEVER been like this. I have definition, and they are somewhat flat most of the time. Keep dehydrated, and of course the clean eating. Be consistant. You will get there. WOrk your core everyother day, using weights sometimes too. Just keep doing different things. I am not totally there yet, but i see that I can make improvements and am confident that I will. I am proud of how far I have come.
Just don't give up and think it is n't possible. Maybe they won't be wash board, but I am sure you can get to a point where you are happy with them.
Good luck!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
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Well, I had one kid and my abs are better now than they ever were, but that is because I finally started Cathe back in March 05. I think the magic combo for me was (and is) cleaner diet, a lot more heavy weight work mixed in with endurance and circuits, weighted ab work & a lot of functional fitness type work.
I agree not to be discouraged, having kids takes a huge toll on your body and you need to give yourself ample time. You will get there!


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