HATE cooking...


Hi Guys,
Ok so i have a dilemma... I HATE cooking. Not to mention I really don't have much time to even cook. The extent of what i have time for is scrambled eggs which i do every morning. Just wondering if anyone has any idea of "clean" foods I could pick up at the grocery of health food store that I wouldn't have to spend much time preparing? I like things like those tuna pouches that you dont have to drain but besides those I don't know what I could get. Are there any kinds of meal replacement bars that are clean? Thanks!

Hi, Lauren.

Here are a few things that I keep on hand at all times.

*lite string cheese
*Gala apples (pair an apple with 2 string cheese for my FAVE meal)
*tuna and salmon pouches that you listed
*EAS bars
*EAS Myoplex Lite shakes (ready-to-drink ONLY for emergencies)
*South Beach frozen wraps (2 per box, again, for emergencies; these cook in 90 seconds in the microwave)
*At the beginning of each week, I make about 8-10 Salsa Chicken wraps (recipe below.....quick and easy crockpot chicken rolled in a lo-carb wrap)
*for quickER scrambled eggs at the last minute, I crack 3 egg whites into a glass dish with a lid before I go to bed. In the AM, I just shake it and cook them! You can also make a big batch of scrambled egg whites and roll in low carb wraps like the Salsa Chicken and keep a bunch in the fridge for on-the-go meals.

Hope that helps some.


Salsa Chicken
4-6 chicken breasts
1 can or jar of salsa of choice

• Place the chicken breast in the bottom of a crock pot, and cover with the jar of salsa. Cook on low heat for about 6 hours.
• Remove chicken from pot and use 2 forks to shred the chicken. Put back in the crock pot and mix with the liquids.

• I use TamXico low carb whole wheat wraps (found in the Mexican section of the grocery store). I put a heap/scoop of chicken in the middle and wrap up. Wrapped in the fridge, these stay good for a whole week. To reheat, I just unwrap, put on a plate, and zap in the microwave on high for 30 seconds. These are also good cold for on-the-go car trips.

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