Has anyone downloaded or bought the new fitday software


and if so, what are your thoughts on it? Are you glad you bought it? I e-mailed the owner and he said you can't copy your information from the website to the program so I haven't broken down and taken the 20 minutes to download it. To think of all the time it will take to enter all the information in . . . yuck. I'm curious to find out what others think of it.
I bought it and love it. True it is a hassle to update all my old info over but it’s worth the time. I had been using the online version for 3 years so I have had a lot of customs to re-enter. It’s so much faster and has more options for so many things. There are a lot more specifics for the activity entries and food categories which make it more user friendly. I have just kept my online window open when I need to re-enter an old custom. Speaking of custom you can make up customs for your activities as well, which was great to enter some of my treadmill HIIT programs. Okay I’m rambling now suffice to say I think it is worth it in many many ways.


I haven't downloaded but I'm going to check it out, just wanted to comment on Debbie's pictures.
I'm going to check out the Fitday software. I like having something on my system as opposed to having to go on-line. Thanks for the heads-up, Rachelle.

Debbie, wow is right! You look great! Please post your story on the Success Stories forum. I love success stories!

I agree!! Awesome, awesome pictures Debbie!!!

I love fitday.com...it's great! I may just have to look into downloading the software now.
Wow!! Thanks about the compliments on the pictures. I post so rarely these day’s that I forgot that ole link was still on there. Thanks again you guys made me smile today. ;)

I'm a Weight Watchers online user and I'd like to know how fitday works with the WW flex points system ...or does it?

Anyone doing WW and using this fitday thing?
Very curious about this
I was keeping track of WW points although I didn't actually join WW for over six months - I used both fitday.com and journaltosuccess.com - I didn't actually use fitday.com in figuring my points - I kept track of that in a notebook and then put the info into journaltosuccess. I quite at Christmas time doing the WW points and haven't started back up.
Holy Toledo!! You look like a whole different person. I would love to hear your story!!!! You look awesome!! Way to go!!


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