Hardcore Rotation Checkin 3/2/05


Hi Everyone!

Last night did 25mins interval run (owch)!!! Doing a 5k in May so I don't really want to drop the running but I'm feeling it already with this rotation! Should be fun with Low Max tomorrow :)

5:15am: Kick Max (FL Rot)
Did this for the first time today and I'm not sure what I think about it...but then I think I 'dogged it' a bit cos my legs are still fried from yesterday (plie squats).

porridge w/ nuts, seeds & raisins
ryvita w/ hoummous
smoked salmon on rye bread
apple & nuts

See you all tomorrow and keep hard at it!
hi, I'm a day behind, since tuesday is a rest day for me. Today is Imax3, hopefully, i will survive! :7

have a great day. Ann Marie:+
Hi everyone,
I did KickMax this morning and workout #1 of CoreMax (cuz I didn't do it Monday). I did the Cardio blast challenge Premix and it was a real doozie....lots of impact!! Good Workout this morning. I had a bowl of oatmeal and yogurt for breakfast. Lunch will be salad with fruit and granola bar for a snack.

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning ladies,

I was up at 4:45, so I actually started my workouts at 5:00. I was able to do Christi Taylor's Totally hot cardio and GS legs. I had a great workout! I got a new Polar HRM and I couldn't believe I actually burned 375 calories doing a Christi hi/lo. There is a lot of hops and jumps in that workout though. I should have worn the HRM when I shoveled yesterday. I love my new little toy..lol. Have a great day everyone!!

good morning gals!
day 4 of the fatloss rotation: lowmax! YES, I am loving this one! I especially love the last step combo!! I'm sure feeling it in my legs..and I'm still a bit sore from Muscle Max on Monday!

yesterday's eating
b-1/2cup of oatmeal w/ 1cup of skim milk
l-1/2 cup of lowfat cottage cheese, 1/2 cup of mix fruit,veggie burger on WW bread w/ 1 slice of fatfree cheese
s-1oz of kashi cereal and 1cup of mix fruit
d-3oz of turkey chili w/ 1 lowcarb tortilla, large salad
s- 1fatfree ice cream bar

have a good one!
take care:)
Hi Everyone,

I did GS legs for the first time. All I can say is OH MY!!!
That dyna band really gets in there. I also did a segement of stretchmax. I will be doing a section of coremax this afternoon.

Good morning!

Today is my day off so I'm going into D.C. to get my hair cut and colored! :D

Breakfast is slow cooking oatmeal with cinnamon, splenda and 1/8 cup of raisin with a big cup of coffee and 20 oz. or water!

Have a great day!
Good Morning,

Today I have GS Legs & 1 Coremax. Still feeling the pain of GS Chest & Tri from Monday. Its a good pain though. Have a great day!
Hi Ladies,

Last night I did a 7 mile run and section 2 of Coremax. Tonight will be a short run and GS Legs.

My triceps are sore from GS Chest and Triceps.

Have a great day!!

Good morning No Am workout here :( :( .I have some sickness ,started last night about dinner time ... I still feel a little off, and need to rehydrate myself , Anyhow If I pull it off I'll be doing Kick Max . Yesturday I didnt check in ,But I did Muscle Max in the Am And tae Bo in the afternoon , felt great ...till I got sick ...ummm I wonder which of my kids will be next x( x( .I have eaten clean for 4 days now !!!!

I will be doing LowMax tonight.

I did GS BSB last night, and I have to say I really enjoy the Gym Stle w/o's. I go as heavy with the first set as possible, and do as many as I can before going down in weight. Just love the DOMS that I have today.

Have a great day!

Good morning, today was Imax 3, ab hits, and Stretch Max. I really had to talk myself into Imax 3 today, but I made it!
Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning Ladies,

It was Kick maz this morning, I love the blast and the leg conditioning. That is all for me today,I got my period this morning and I am not fulling to great.

Now is time for breakfast:

Kashi cereal with soy milk.

Have a great day everyone!

Hello everyone,
This morning was KickMax (fat loss rotation). I realized I haven't taken a day off since 2/20, so tomorrow I will do StretchMax and Sunday do LowMax.

For breakfast I had:
½C. Steel cut oatmeal, a bunch of strawberries,
1 Morning Star b-fast pattie, and a
crispy rice chocolate bar from Nature's Path.

Susan C.M.

This morning I did IMAX3 - intervals 1-5 and tonight I will do Kick Max. I was only able to do MM upper body last night because of the DD's baseball practice - but it was still 45 min long.

Hope everyone has a great day!
This morning I did HC hi/low intervals, GS BSB and Core Max tough core&balanced core with a few alterations. I did the ball roll outs with a 45lb barbell, added shoe weights for lower, and used a dumbbell for some of the crunches. I am following my own rotation as I like to get everything in twice.
Diane Sue

I am gald to see someone else also likes Christi Tyalor...Hi/lo heaven is my all time favorite!!! totally hot cardio is great too!!

I love my heart rate monitor too, it is nice to have!!

:) ;-) :D :p :9 :7 :+
This morning I did Kick Max except I don't really care for the "blasts" section so I did the combos then put in IMAX 2 and did the Blast only premix then went back and did leg drills & stretch from Kick Max.
I did KickMax, the bootcamp premix which is the warm-up, blasts and 2nd,3rd and 4th combos. I have yet to do the workout in its entirety - but I've done every premix. I am going to try and tack on a core max section later tonight - I hate working my abs and I really need to.


by the way Cheryl, I live in Chelsea, Michigan which is 15 mi. outside of Ann Arbor. Where are you?

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