Hardcore Rotation Checkin 3/1/05


Morning everyone!

5:15am: Body Max
6:00pm: 20min interval run (addition)

Eats today:
porridge w/ nuts, seeds, raisins
ryvita w/ hoummous
salmon salad
apple & nuts
devilled chicken w/ veggies

lots of water :)

Have a great day!
Hi ladies - I'm doing the Fat Loss Hardcore Rotation. I did Muscle Max this morning and had yogurt and shredded wheats. I'll have salad for lunch and fruit for snacks.

Good luck everyone.
Day Two Fat Loss HC: Muscle Max. Yesterday went well with IMAX3 and Core Max2. I later played a tennis match; by evening my legs were exhausted.

No tennis today. Just Cathe and chores, LOL

AKA "Likes2bfit"

good morning!
We certainly are a group of early risers, aren't we?

day 3 of the fatloss rotation: was suppose to do kickmax..not too fond of kickboxing though. So, instead, I ran 5miles! woohoo!!

b-1oz of kashi w/ 1/2cup of skim milk
l-1oz of turkey slices, 1oz of fatfree cheese on WW bread, 1oz of kashi cereal, 1cup of grapes and 1/2cup of cottage cheese
s-1/2 kashi go lean bar
d-1serving of WW chili dog casserole and 1oz of baked chips
s-1 fatfree ice cream bar

planning on having oatmeal for breakfast in a few minutes.

take care:)
Good morning ladies,
I have to use today as my rest day. I have a 11 hour day at work plus my commute to NYC. Wanted to get a little extra sleep this morning.
When you skip a day of a rotation, so you continue to the next day or do you do the day you missed? (don't know if that is clear)
ps. What time do you get up in the morning? I need motivation to get up earlier.
I hope you all don't mind if I join in this check-in since I am also following the fat-loss rotation.
Just finished up MuscleMax. I think the time really flies by on that one and my upper body is feeling fried. Does anyone else have problems with the front shoulder raises using the barbell? I just cannot do that move - it feels really weird to me -so I have to substitute dumbbells.

More snow here in Michigan - uggh! Will spring ever come?

My goals for the rotation is to lose some inches of my waist, hips and (please god!) my thighs. My other goal is to keep getting up early before the family so I can consistently get my workouts done in the morning.

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning ladies,

I did Imax 3 and pilates. I shoveled for 20 minutes just now too. That's considered extra cardio right..LOL?? Have a great day!


I usually just do the day I missed (like swapping the day off for the workout day) so I don't miss anything! :)
Good morning!

Today is:

GS: Back, Shoulders, Biceps
GS: Chest & Triceps
Core Max 1&3
40 minutes stair stepper

Breakfast was 1 egg + 3 egg whites scrambled with 1 ounce vegetarian fat free sausage and a pinch of fat free mozzarella, coffee and water.

As you can tell, I'm creating my own rotation while I have time to workout for 2-3 hours per day. But the focus is the Hardcore DVDs, so i hope it's ok that I'm in this checkin group! :)

Have a good one!!
Good morning, Muscle Endurance rotation for me. I have been following fat loss rotations since January so I think I will change things up a bit this month to give the bod' a shocker.
Today was Lowmax, first time for me on that one. Major fun, definitely a different feeling on that 8" step. The first couple combos I feeling "tall"!:D

Have a good day everyone

Oh, Aila, shovelling definitely counts as cardio, especially if you do intervals blasts in between shovelfuls!!!:7
Good Morning Everyone!

I did IMAX3 yesterday and really liked it. I like that the intensity blasts are not the ame thing the whole time. I had only done the step premix before - so it was fun and rewarding to do the entire workout.

This morning I did Timesaver #2 - just the cardio - and will do Muscle Max tonight. I really like Muscle Max - so makes me look forward to my workout tonight.

Of course now baseball starts for my two boys - with practice same time - different schools - so will have to start shuffling around my workout times. I am trying to get up early more regularly to accomodate for that - so we will see!

Have a great day!
Hi Ladies,

I did IMAX 3 and GS Chest and triceps last night. Wow, that was a lot of push ups...

Today is Day 3 for me on the Strength Rotation. I am going to do a 6 to 7 mile run tonight and a section of Core Max.

Have a great day!

Good morning ladies! i'm gonna jump in here... hope you don't mind!

I'm doing a modified version of the hardcore rotations... One week of Strength, one week of muscle endurance, repeat....

So.. today i am doing spinning class at the gym, yesterday was GS Chest/Tris and 1 coremax segment.

food today:
b - ww bread, banana, 1 T. PB, 1 c. unsweatened soymilk
s - apple, yogurt
l - brown rice, broccoli, tofu, tahini sauce
s - carrots w/ veggie cream cheese
d - ?? who knows

have a great day!
Morning Everyone,

I am in my 2nd week of Kathryn's HC Rotation. I will be doing GS BSB plus CoreMax #2.

Hi Everyone,
I did Imax 3 yesterday (not sure if I posted that yesterday:) ) .I woke up at 6 today and I did a 30 min interval run before I came to work.Tonight I plan on doing MM and another 30 min run.
Eating as been pretty good.I feel better already!
>Good morning ladies,
>I have to use today as my rest day. I have a 11 hour day at
>work plus my commute to NYC. Wanted to get a little extra
>sleep this morning.
>When you skip a day of a rotation, so you continue to the next
>day or do you do the day you missed? (don't know if that is
>ps. What time do you get up in the morning? I need
>motivation to get up earlier.

I'm a bit of a nut in that area.......I get up at 2:15 am in order to get my workout in and everything else that needs to be done prior to my morning commute to work. It has become a "habit".
Good morning ladies,

Muscle Max is great, I am doing the fat loss.

Steel cut oatmeal
soy milk
whey protein

Great day!

Hi Everyone,
Wow, there are a lot of us checking in, yeayy.
I'm doing the fat loss rotation. Yesterday I started with IMAX3 and CM3. This morning I did MM. Then had to shovel.

For breakfast I had 5 egg whites ½ yolk. 1 Morning star sausage link, 1 slice of whole wheat bread... and, (I shouldnt admit this) 1, Girl Scout peanut butter cookie.
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off.
You've gotta work hard for what you want. - Cathe in HSC
Hi Everyone,

I'm doing the Strength rotation. Yesterday was GS Chest/Tri (timesaver) IMAX 3 (step only) 3 section of coremax. Today I did IMAX3 and about 1 hour of shoveling. I'm not sure if shovleing is cardio or weight training, but my chest sure does feel it! :D

Have a great day!:)

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