Hardcore Rotation Check-in 3/4/05


Hi ladies,
I did LowMax intervals 1-4 (premix) this AM and the 20 min stretch segment with the band (love that one - great for peeps with neck/shoulder problems). Wow...what a killer workout. I burned 360 calories on my Mio Shape HRM and it's pretty accurate, as you enter your weight, age, gender and resting heart rate. My legs are sore already. Lowmax is quite a workout! I was beet red and feeling it today. Tomorrow's my rest day, yay!

Just had some yougurt and my oatmeal will be ready in a few minutes. I'm not sure what's for lunch today.

I gained 2 pounds and I'm depressed. It seems like my body "bulks" up whenever I do slower and heavier weight workouts :-( I am a clean eater, but my problem is eating too often. I get cranky if I'm hungry. I guess I need to try a little harder.

Have a great day everyone and a great workout! Happy Friday!
good morning!
day 6 of the fatloss rotation: did muscle max! my biceps and triceps are feeling it! I lost 1.5lbs and my eating is ok...can do better. I will try that today, tomorrow and weigh in again on sunday...that's my week.

Lorajc: sorry about your 2lb weight gain. which rotation are you doing? maybe you shouldn't do so much slow/heavy weight workouts??? I don't know, sometimes that scale plays tricks on us, huh?? how are your clothes fitting? is it TOM??

yes, HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!
take care:)
Good morning ladies,

I did Lo Max and 20 minutes of pilates. I am going to try and do a segment of Stretch Max later today. Have a great weekend!

Lorajc- Sorry to hear about the 2lb gain too. Maybe you are just retaining a little water or TTOM? Don't sweat it though, it will come off. You work really hard:)

Good Morning everybody
Today is Kickmax for me, and I am going to add in Core Max #1.
Have a great day!!
My weight gain is not due to TOM and I'm doing the Fat Loss Rotation schedule; however, I used to mostly do circuit weights with aerobics mixed in for my weight workouts and aerobics at least 5-6 days a week. I'm 45 and my metabolism is slowing down a bit so I have to do a lot of aerobics. I've had the weight gain problem with lifting heavy in the past, especially with lower body.
Hey Lorajc don't fret over 2 pounds. A number on a scale shouldn't make or break your day. You are doing great on your rotation and few pound fluctuations are perfectly normal. Don't weigh your self if it causes you anxiety. Maybe let the fit of your clothes be your gage instead of a strict number.

Heavy workouts can increase the number on the scale, but muscle weight is 'good weight' and it keeps your metabolism up. It helps to look at muscle as a "fat burning furnace". Women over 35 naturally loose muscle. Some heavy weight trainning can help keep one's metabolism back where it it was at a younger age. I am 44 and can identify with your situation. ;)

AKA "Likes2bfit"
Good Morning All! I'm doing the strength gain rotation. Today, Kickmax, is sceduled. I'm enjoying this rotation. The GS lifiting is wonderful. Have fun today with your workouts!

Good Morning Everyone,

It went crazy today, I did HC circuits and Hipp Hugger abs.
I am doing the fat loss, and running and abas and streching were in the schedule but I don't like running in the cold.

I wish everyone good workouts and a great weekend!

Today I took the day off. I went out last night and I needed that extra sleep. I have a long day at work today. I did Kickmax yesterday and my body is feeling it. I LOVE the new series!!!
Hello Everyone,

Last night I did Kickmax, 2 mile run and section 3 of Core Max. I love section 3 of Coremax.

I have a run and a segment of stretch max scheduled for today.

Everyone is doing great on the rotation.

Have a great day!!

Hi everyone,

Today was Kickmax Bootcamp + Coremax segment 3. I am having a hard time getting into Kickmax. I think it is my least favorite of the series so far, I really wish Cathe would have interspersed the low impact segments with the blasts. That would have improved it greatly, IMO.
I am going to do my own thing this weekend, I think tomorrow will be GS legs and BSB premixes, then Sunday will be a step workout other than Cathe ( probably Seasun or Christi ).
Have a great day and weekend everyone!
Hi Everyone!

Today is IMAX 3 and Core Max 1 & 3, then tonight I'll jump on the stair stepper for 1/2 hour.

Breakfast was a big protein shake, lunch will be an egg beater omelet with black beans and 1 tablespoon of fat free mozarella cheese.

Enjoy your day!
Yesterday I did lowmax and today I am going to do one section of coremax and one section of stretchmax but I'm not sure what I am going to do cardio wise I will see as the day goes on???

I'm really enjoying this new series too!!:D So far I am almost through the 1st week of my fat loss rotation. I am so HAPPY that I am actually sticking with this!!

Have a GREAT DAY!!

Completed 1st week of Hardcore strength today. Ran 2 miles + Coremax 2 + StrengthMax 2. This was a good workout. Tomorrow was suppose to be day off but will do KPC and take Sunday off.

I think I lose about 2lbs. this week and have turned cake down at two different events this week. One more b-day party tomorrow and that is it for awhile I hope. I have weight-in tomorrow at WW

Hi everyone!

Did a 5k run, stretch & core this afternoon.

My DOMS have gone now so really looking forward to Low Max in the morning.

Have a great weekend,
Hi there!
I did my 30 minute jog today. I went 2.5 miles ~ is that too slow?
I then did CM, tough premix.
Looking forward to MM tomorrow.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
Hi Ladies . This AM I did Kick Max . And later today Core Max and Strech Max . I ate all clean yesturday even when Hubby brought me a Almond Snickers !!!! I Passed it up AGAIN !!! Yeee Haaaa ....Ummmm It will take me awhile if ever to jump like Cathe does, Any tips on how to get off the ground LOL..... Eating clean today !!! Thanks for such a great support system . Oh off to get Barbells on saturday !!! And some more dumbbells:) :) :)
Hi Ladies . This AM I did Kick Max . And later today Core Max and Strech Max . I ate all clean yesturday even when Hubby brought me a Almond Snickers !!!! I Passed it up AGAIN !!! Yeee Haaaa ....Ummmm It will take me awhile if ever to jump like Cathe does, Any tips on how to get off the ground LOL..... Eating clean today !!! Thanks for such a great support system . Oh off to get Barbells on saturday !!! And some more dumbbells:) :) :)

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