Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Friday Aug 10

I ended up doing The Firm Hardcore Fusion with Allie. Workout was 60" and I burned 381 calories. This actually wasn't a bad workout. I used 10-20 pound dumbbells and felt a bit worked. I modified some of the higher impact cardio on the rebounder with my boot on. I wanted to add some more cardio, but I thought I shouldn't push it or overdo it with my foot.

I also did Ravi & Ana's Yoga Quick Fixes - Power Surge Warm-up, Digestion Helper, Headache Helper and Anxiety Helper.

Have great workouts everyone. I think we're going to see that movie Rescue Dawn with Christian Bale today. I just love him as an actor. He's fantastic.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Worked arms yesterday and didn't do abs so I gotta do that this morning along with shoulders and legs amongst other things.
Good Morning, today I am doing Amy Bento Kickbox Extreme, abs, and some yoga/str. Then off to pick up some salad and fruits and veggies at the grocery store.

Charlotte, good to see you check in. You are missed here:)

Lora, good workout.

Hi to everyone:)

Diane Sue,

Thanks! My life is not the way I want it right now so that is why I am quiet. I disagree with my dh on keeping 3 dogs of my FIL's which will give us 5 running thru our house. I want to find a good home for at least 2 of them and be willing to take the one...no compromising with dh on this. Who is gonna bathe them, feed them, etc. ME! Well I decided that I am gonna tell dh he can bathe them if he wants them. I am working full time now and I know I will have less and less time. My home will soon turn into a hospice center as dh's father is going down hill in a hurry now..not sure why this is happening after chemo. So I will have dogs I don't want and a stranger taking care of my FIL, and my FIL who is already a stranger in some ways. I feel very invaded and probably very selfish, but life just sucks right now for me. I am still trying to find other things to keep me happy so I don't get sucked down all the way! lol
Good Morning --

Ive been in lurking mode lately. Enjoy reading the forum. You girls are amazing. Im happy to report Im finally in the *zone*. Im running hard--great pace. Im finally seeing muscles :) But enough stuff about me.

Char-- I had to respond to your post girl. First a huge {{{hug}} for you. It is never easy to take care of a sick relative. Cancer takes a toll on everyone involved. I praise you for being there for your DH and also FIL. I know first hand that it is not an easy task. I was very fortunate to be the primary care giver to my FIL during his battle with cancer. Although he was a great/kind man -- there were many times I didnt know which end was up or down. In the end I know I made the best choice by stepping up and taking care of him. (HIs other children were too busy)MY DH was supportive of me though-- and knew I was doing something not only for his dad but for him as well. After my FIL passed away one of his daughter's told me a few months later how she regreted not stepping up and doing what I did. She missed out on alot. Sure I thought to myself how I was the one cleaning up after him--- changing sheets-- and yes even keeping him clean. The not so glamerous things-- but I also shared moments with him-- laughter and stories etc. She to this day regrets not doing that for him.

Just know hon-- Im here for ya if ya wanna talk-- or vent. You are amazing woman.

I loev reading all your posts girls. Your workouts are amazing and you all are beautiful women. :)

{{hugs}} Char

Morning Manicac! TGIF!!! I am going out of town today to visit my sister. Will be going with Mom, sister, her daughters and my daughter... A girls weekend.:)

Char- Keep talking to us. We are always here to listen. Sorry you are going thru all this. Things will eventually get better. I hope your dh will come around with the dogs and not be so bull-headed. Little poodles should be easy to find homes for (get the word out, ask around;)). You are strong, so keep finding things to make you happy in the mean time. I admire that you are still keeping up with your workouts! Working full time too!

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Char maybe you should forward your email to your DH. Too much on your shoulders. Too many dogs!! Maybe hubby not thinking so clearly - like giving the dogs away is liking giving dad away (ok now I'm Dr.Phil). Perhaps other family members can take in dogs? Try to take care of yourself. Ask for help when you can. Been where you are. Very tough, very draining. It is temporary however; tell yourself that. A few short months from now this will just be a memory.

Hi to everyone else. Of to workout - 1 hour of cardio. No run, rain rain all day. Did legs yesterday so probably for the best. Lora don't yell at me - I keep NOT doing enough yoga!

Great weekend and workouts to all.


Fit Over 40
Hello Peeps!

This morning I rode 22 miles - 1 hour 22 minutes. It was WINDY again! Have I mentioned I HATE the wind? Not sure I have. :p DH rode 40 miles with his friends. x( I wanted to ride 40, he wanted to ride 22. But I had to get to work. He has the day off. The other 2 guys go in later (bike shop opens later and docs don't start seeing patients that early I guess).

Meg - I'm so glad you didn't think I stepped out of bounds. Sometimes I open my big mouth (or my big keyboard) when I shouldn't. I know that every situation is different and you definitely need to protect your boys. It sounds like you have reason for concern. Especially with the Canada thing. You be careful. I wish you weren't going through this.

Char - I'm also sorry for what you're going through. I just can't even imagine. You've been through so much. I wish we all lived close to you so we could pitch in and help you. Keep hanging on! I agree with Dallys - I'm impressed you are keeping up with your workouts. Probably the only thing keeping you sane.

Dallys - What an awesome weekend you have planned! Have a great time!!! My sister told me this morning she doesn't know what she'd do without me being more than a 10 minute drive away. Awwww....

Diane Sue - Your grocery store run sounds yummy!

Kath & Julie - Nice to have you here! :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Thanks again for the well wishes. My workouts improve my mood so I keep going with them. Just finished working shoulders, legs and abs. Feeling strong today so I did very good. Gotta shower now and off to work.
Thanks again;-)

Toasty - sorry that you are going thru all of those hardships right now. The dog matter doesn't help. Hopefully your DH will see it from your view. I'm glad the workouts help you. Hang in there. At least you have the concert to look forward to, right? I don't know if you saw my post, but Papa Roach was really good live. I bought the new CD on the way out and it's really good. I was impressed. I thought Hinder stunk live though. The other bands had good energy. Is your DH going to the show with you and your DD?
I am late posting my workout. Just so much to do. I did Amys Kickbox EX stopping at the abs and doing the bonus bag then finished, I did Tracey Staehle's Core conditioning skipping the w/up and adding some resistance to it(not much since it is a burner) then I did Yoga Shatki supine and inversions. I am sitting here enjoying a chicken salad with raspberries. Yum!!

Charlotte, I know it is tough. Keep working out and take care of yourself. It is hard not to think those thoughts. I try to remind myself when in those situations that this is one of those things that cannot be repeated and to try and make it the best time I can.
I bet eventually your dh will see that that is to much for you with that many dogs. I am sure he worries how it would affect his Dad if they were gone. I will keep you in my prayers.

Maeghan, I am so sorry to hear about your situation. You are in a tough spot with the children. Even if he hurt you and not them I am sure it does affect them. Hopefully you can figure out what is the best thing to do.


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