HAPPY HALLOWE'EN EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just want to say have a great Hallowe'en, everyone. What has everyone got planned ? I am off to a Hallowe'en Party tonight with DH and the children. In fact, I am about to bake lots of potatoes for the party.

Have a good one !!!!!!!!!!

Anna :)
Hi Ki,

You would be surprised - Hallowe'en's popularity is definitely on the up in the UK. Our shops are all full of masks, costumes, 'scary' things, etc. Even pumpkins now ! I come from the North of England and our lanterns were made out of turnips ! (or Neeps, as they are known in Bonny Scotland !). We ate stew for days after Hallowe'en when I was a child ! LOL

Well our holloween plans are squelched because 2 of my 3 kids have the chicken pox even though were immunized. I'm just hoping the third does not get it!! (since he is a 3 month old baby)

Hope everone has a better day than me :)

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