Gym Style Push Ups


How many of you out there can do all of the pushups with straight legs? I can't. I can do some of them with straight legs but quickly go to the modified ones on my knees. I do manage to keep up with Cathe and crew and do them all. I guess I just have quite a bit of work ahead of me.
Count me in as someone that CAN'T do straight leg push-ups. I know that's not what you asked, but I thought I'd just chime in. :D
I can't do them either and would be curious to know who out there CAN and how long it took you to be able to do them ALL with straight legs.

I can do all of the push ups on toes in most of Cathe's w/o's. I would say it took me about 12 - 14 months to be able to do them all. I started out doing as few as 1 or 2 on my toes and then switching to knees really quickly. Now I can pretty much do all of them. Keep pushing will come!
I can do them as well but I take a longer break between all the sets of Gym Styles C&T, about 30 seconds. I mean, 72 pushups in about 2 1/2 to 3 minutes, I don't feel like I'm cheating by taking a little longer break before next set and it allows me to do all of them on my toes.

As far as how long it took to get to that point, it's hard to say. I started out just wanting to do 5 or 6 then it turned into 10 and so on. You just have to push yourself a little harder each week. Try to add one more to the previous week. Most of the time you'll be surprised that you are stronger than you realize.

I am game!!!

I just took the test and ranked at a starting point of 3. I will start the workout tomorrow!
Thanks!!! ;)

I can do them as well but I take a longer break between all the sets of Gym Styles C&T, about 30 seconds. I mean, 72 pushups in about 2 1/2 to 3 minutes, I don't feel like I'm cheating by taking a little longer break before next set and it allows me to do all of them on my toes.

I always put longer breaks between the sets as well, especially those last ones. Still, I had to do some of the final ones on my knees.

I definitely don't have the same recovery capacity as Cathe and crew, at least when it comes to push-ups, but that's fine with me.
I just did Gym Styles Chest & Triceps yesterday:p I can do all the push-ups on my toes but take a longer rest every couple of sets. After all the push-ups I had to do in P90X, you'd think I could do all these drop sets push-ups without extra rest but they are still so darn hard.

BTW...there is nothing wrong with doing them on your knees! You are still working hard and should be proud of all your effort;)

I do all of the Gym Style pushups on my toes, but I have SUCH a struggle with the Timesaver pushups sequence (from the Body Blast series). For me, that is Cathe's toughest pushups sequence, barring none.
I can kick out a few straight leg push ups but always finish on my knees. I have a shoulder that bothers me with weight bearing exercises sometimes.
I can do all the GS pushups on my toes. But still, they're tough! I think your body weight plays a role in determining how many pushups you can do.
I can-finally! It's taken me a long time, though. I think doing P90X really helped me-I think I counted doing around 200+ push-ups in the Chest/Back dvd. I do have to take longer breaks between the sets, too. Cathe is a machine in C&T! Now I have push-up contests with my husband-and I usually win!:)
I agree with the others on taking longer breaks to get them accomplished. I haven't done that w/o as-is in a while, but I used to could do them with a bit more of a break.
Oh sure I can do straight leg push ups now. It took a little while to work up to them. It takes core strength - I really needed to work on my core more than upper body strength in order to be able to do them.
You just have to push yourself a little harder each week. Try to add one more to the previous week. Most of the time you'll be surprised that you are stronger than you realize.


Thanks Annette! Your are absolutely correct! I did the first workout today and I have to say I could have done more.
I ranked a 3 (over 10) and started the workout in column 2 (6-10) just to be on the safe side. I could do this very easily with just 30sec between levels. I am sure it will be really tough later. So I am sticking with this column even though I found it easy to start.

Try it out and like Annette said above you might be pleasantly surprised!

I can only do it if I take longer rests. Even then I sometimes still end up on my knees towards the end. I pretty much have to take longer rest periods than Cathe for all of her strength portions of workouts. She has incredible endurance.


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