good women's magazine


Active Member
hello out there. can anyone tell me the name(s) of a good women's health/fitness magazine? one that is truly worth the purchase? also, i was reading on here a week or so ago and ran across some references to a book called "feed the muscle burn the fat" (i think) . can anyone tell me if that's the correct title and who the author is? is it worth the purchase? also, this is unrelated to the above questions and may have been on here before, but i'm relatively new and not online much, so i was wondering if anyone can tell me what the black band is that cathe wears around her wrist in every video? what significance does it have? i'm sure it is something. everytime i put a hair band around my wrist it makes me think of that. thanks so much, joetta
Hi Carmom,

Mags highly recommended by many of us are:
Muscle & Fitness Hers

I also highly recommend Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle. You can do a forum search to read what others thought and get feedback. Have fun soaking up all the new scoop. :D
I have gotten alot of different fitness mags: Fitness, Self, Shape. They tend to bore me....

But this past year (i get magazines from my kids' fundraisers), I got Women's Health. I LOVE this magazine! So many different interesting subjects, and they write in a funny, down to earth , kind of way. It's not ALL about fitness, but , well, women's health!

>I have gotten alot of different fitness mags: Fitness, Self,
>Shape. They tend to bore me....
>But this past year (i get magazines from my kids'
>fundraisers), I got Women's Health. I LOVE this magazine! So
>many different interesting subjects, and they write in a
>funny, down to earth , kind of way. It's not ALL about
>fitness, but , well, women's health!
I really like Women's Health as well. I love how they showcase all the new 'fitness gear'. And you're right, it's not all about fitness but I like that about it.

thanks, i just purchased womens health also, i haven't finished it yet but so far i like it pretty well. just wanted some ideas from other fitness buffs. i have heard of the oxygen one before but not "onfitness" or "muscle and fitness hers" . i will definitely look into it . are they hard to find? just any book store? i want to check out that book too. thanks, again.
I also recommend Women's Health.

As for the band Cathe wears on her wrist in her videos: it's a black ponytail holder. She originally started wearing it when filming as a memory device for remembering 'right' and 'left' (since she mirror cues, só when she says 'right,' it's right for us, but actually left for her.

Now she wears it more as a lucky charm.

(It may be just me, but I find it hard to read posts in all lower-case letters, with only one space between sentences instead of the usual two.)

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