Fun Topic - Pet Names


So we've all had a thread saying where we were from, and the Canadians had a thread introducing ourselves, now how about a different kind of thread!! Introduce me to your pets - I'm dying to know what kind of pets Cathe fans/fanatics have and what they called them and why!

I'll start:

2 cats (both long-haired white thanks to hubby) - one is named Buddha because he looks so regal and always deep in thought. The other is called Cuddles and lives up to his name. He's a big boy and gorgeous too.

3 birds:
1 lovebird named --- Punky (now you know how I design my login names and what comes first in my life). He doesn't really live up to his name though - very cuddly with me and I can snuggle him up in my hands and do just about anything with him.
1 cockatiel named - Merlin - because he magically got very grumpy in his old age.
1 budget named - tootie (short form for tout petit in french) - who is very sweet and was my first bird.

I used to have an African Grey Parrot, who was the love of my life, but he unfortunately passed on a couple of years ago - still kills me to think about it.

Ok how about you?!
I have a 9 1/2 year old Labx named Princess Leah. Yes Star Wars is my favorite movie. We have been together since she was 4 months old. She was adopted from the humane society. She is a typical Lab. Loves people, loves the water and retrieving balls from the yard. She has become more my Fiance's dog than mine though. Then we have a 3 year old tortoiseshell cat named George. She is a she, but we were told that she was a he when we first adopted her. She doesn't come when you call her anyway so we didn't think the name was a big deal. But her nickname is Queen George. :)
Two shetland sheepdogs: one tri color, one sable. The tri color's name is Callie - short for Calamity Jane because she tore up everything when she was a puppy. The sable's name is Cassie - short for Casseopiea (sp?) the constellation because hubby is a star gazer. They're wonderful dogs - very intelligent and loving. They do have a ton of fur, though, and shed all year round since they're indoor dogs.

:) I have 2 pug dogs. The male fawn pug is "Pugsley" for the ty beanie. We also call him "Pudgey" for obvious reasons. My other pug is a black female named "Pepper" because of her color. I also have a short haired white cat called "Snow"!:D
OOOH, pets-my favorite topic!

I have 4 cats and plan on getting dogs in the future.

1. Timay is 3 years old and he is your typical black tuxedo cat with big belly sac and all. He also has a white "dribble" from his mouth to his chin. When he meows he sounds like he is yelling at me and he LOVES to sing to the birds.

2. Abbey is 2 and she is white with gray "cowlike" spots and she has one green and one blue eye. She loves to strut her stuff!

3. Jack is 1 year old and he is all gray with green eyes and he is my shadow. He loves his mommy! He's my favorite for that reason but I would never tell the others that!

4. Jane is 10 weeks old and she is all white with blue eyes, so this little cutey is deaf but she is beautiful! I am finding it a little difficult to train her because of this. You hear around my home "she can't hear you" constantly because I keep forgetting. She loves to snuggle with Jack.

Now, I am done getting cats. I refuse to become a cat collector. Seeing this list makes me a little nervouse since it looks like it is a yearly habit. I just love them so much! (and I used to dislike cats).
I have 3.5 is on the way :) . Their names are:

Ch Renassance Bretagne, WAC "Bret"
Nicknames: "Doopetty" because he still isn't very coordinated "Goose boy" because he loves to goose you with his cold nose - Doberman 3 1/2

Ch Copperfield's Heart of Gold, JH "Kiana"
Nicknames: "Missy" when she tries to be bossy or "Mini" since she is the smallest of the crew Vizsla 5 1/2

SPCA specialty dog, "Bear" "Grandma" Lab mix 11

And the one on the way will be Gold Run's Token of Rumor "Gabby" Her father's call name is Token and her mother's call name is Rumor.

Ani, short for Anieliese, my teeny-tiny, sweeter-than-sugar, Maltese. (Ani was formerly the sidekick of Hootie--thus the team Hoot 'n Ani--who passed away unexpectedly two years ago and is still sadly missed.)

And Ed, who, although female, reminded us TOO much of Ed, the hyena in the lion king. :)
I have the sweetest little black lab mix which I named Onyx.

Onyx is my first dog EVER! Lizards were my only pets growing up because my parents disliked dogs. Now they love little Onyx and take care of her every day while I'm at work.

I researched dogs for over a year before I finally got Onyx from the Humane Society. My mom teased me that I prepared more for dog ownership than some people prepare for having a baby.

One day, we were reading through pet names and I ran across the name Onyx. I said that I didn't think I would ever get a black dog (too scary) but if I did, I thought I'd name her Onyx.

Unlike the other lab owner, my dog isn't a typical lab. She loves to swim but dislikes fetch (except while swimming) and likes it warm. She'll do anything to climb under a comforter.

I could go on and on but I'll refrain. Thanks for reading!

I have 2 cats and 2 fish.
The cats: Maggie, a 7-year-old white with orange markings. Maggie is very smart, sweet and sometimes a little snobby and stand-offish.

Daisy, a 5-year-old orange tabby (Which is rare to find orange tabby females.) Daisy is so cute and dumb. She loves to cuddle and play fetch.

I have 1 blue Gourami (it was one of three; the others (a blue and a gold) died about a year ago. The sole surviving Gourami doesn't have a name, but if it lives till January 2004, it will be four years old. That's pretty long for a fish! I have a goldfish in a separate tank. It too doesn't have a name. I don't name fish because I don't get personal with them. Can't cuddle with fishes.
Hi we have a yellow female lab who is 3 with all kind of allergies,we were gonna breed her but we are having 2nd thoughts with all the problems. Her name is Brandy Whine

We also have 2 cats, a female calico named Oakley who is from a rescue, we got her at 10 weeks and she is almost 2 now. She was rescues on 9/11 which I thought was appropriate considering all that went on negatively on that day. She is a reverse calico in that she is more of the other 2 colors and very little white. Most of the time when you think of a calico you think of a tortoise shell cat with all the color on top and white on the bottom she is all tan and black like patchwork quilt on her belly with a white strip down the center and she looks like she is wearing a dinner jacket. She also has white freckles on her nose. The vet says she is unique.

We also have black male 10 month old kitten. He is also a rescue kitten. He was to be aborted but was saved by my dh co-worker. He is a real sweetie who like to eat and eat and eat!! His name is Shadow, he only have specks of white on his chest and belly. He is my lap kitty especially when I am on the computer.

Fun question

We also have 1 fish but he isn't cuddly at all.LOL:+
I currently have 3 cats (I always leave myself the option of having more!). Scooter (AKA Scooby, Scoots, Scooby Do, Scoobs) is the oldest. He got his name because when he was little, he used to have to scoot out of the way of my now-deceased Frisco (who got his name because as I was playing around with names, I came to "Sam francisco" and he seemed to like the "f" and "s" and "k" sounds). Simon (AKA Simonio) is the next eldest. He's jewish, even though I'm not. Bobsie (AKA "Miss B," "Hey Bobs a ree bobs,"
Bobbity boo," and "Bobs") is the most recent addition. Her name comes from her natural bob tail (though I usually hate it when people name animals after looks, like "Spot" or "Fluffy." )
We have a little dog, he is a shih tzu, his name is buddy because my mother in law gave him to us when he was 6 months old, and that is what she named him. He is almost 8 yrs old, and he is ruined lol.
He is our only pet, although I love cats, but buddy has a jealous streak, he likes being the top dog so to speak lol. ...... Rhonda :7
My dog is a Rhodesian Ridgeback. She is 9 mo. old. Her name is Carma. Partly from the word Karma and also Carmel(our vacation spot)I got her to be my mountain biking and hiking/running partner. She is perfect for all of this. Lots of energy but quite and calm in the house.

My daughter has a cockatiel that is one year old and his name it Boo.
He can whistle the Andy Griffith song and is now learning to whistle the Bealtles, Yesterday. He also can whistle the cat call and the charge.
I have three dogs and thank goodness I am getting married soon so I can lose my "crazy dog lady" status (and it is well deserved considering my dogs!).

My first ever dog, who is now four years old, is Dogma. He is an australian lab mix I got at the humane society and he was only supposed to be between 30 to 40 pounds. Well he likes to be at 80 pounds! Like most dogma's he's very cute but not very smart!

My second dog is named Karma. She was found on the street and looks like a black lab puppy (about two months old). however she is full grown and an absolute love. At night she will just go and lay on my face!

The third dog is my most recent - his name Tzababah (it means "groovy" in Hebrew). He is a 70 pound black lab mix (i think he has a rottweiler head- real big and scary!). He was also found on the street and when he came to us, he was all skin and bones (you could see every verterbrae, his rib cage...). but he is doing much better now!

Next I want a daschund - i figure they are so small they don't count as dogs!
Great thread!

We have two long haired cats, brother and sister, named
Charlie and Molly. We also have two parakeets named
Shelby and Tweety. Our newest addition is a female
Wheaten Terrier named Cloe. She's only 4 months old and
as much work as a new baby, but we LOOOOOVE her!

:7 Tina
I have one dog and one cat. My dog is a bichon frise and his name is Billy. My cat is a himalayan and his name is Jack. Don't ask me why, but we call Billy, Billy Bob. Billy is my little bad ass. He may be little, but he has a personality that is HUGE. He is the friendliest, super hyper, most mischievious dog I have ever seen!!! He can make me so mad, yet he makes me laugh uncontrollably at times. All he has to do is look at me with those huge brown eyes and it makes me melt. Now onto Jack................what can I say? He is absolutely beautiful, but the laziest animal I have ever met. The darned cat doesn't even like to play with toys!! ONCE IN A BLUE MOON he might bat at some yarn, but that is about it. He lives to sleep and EAT!! He is very mild mannered and sweet, and loves to cuddle.

Those are my boys!!

Kim asked for it! I love to talk about my four legged kids.

We have 2 dogs - A 9 yr old Boston Terrier named Chelsea. We picked that name because she just looked like a Chelsea to us. We also have a 4 yr old Boxer named Gunther. He's actually named after my grandmother. Her maiden name is Gunther. We chose it because he has a German lineage and we wanted to gve him a German name.

We have a black cat named Chance. We chose that name because it was related to luck/fortune, with him being a black cat and all.

If you'd like to see pictures of the furkids, I put up a web site of the birthday party we had for Gunther last night. He turned 4 yesterday!! The URL is -

They are spoiled rotten. :D :D

Those pictures were too cute! I have one question in the world did you get that hat on Chance?? :7
We have two dalmatians that make waking up every day and coming home from work every day a TRUE JOY! I don't know what I would do without them ....
They are:
Mango (aka Chimichango, Chimi, Doll Baby), 8 year old cranky-yet-BRILLIANT female;
Dottie (aka Bubba, Dottie Girl, Dostie), 2.5 year old LOVABLE-yet-not-so-brilliant female.

We didn't get to name either of them, although their nicknames are purely our own creations (and yes, I admit this in public)!!!!!!!

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