Hey everyone!!

I have been freestyle training for lower body now for 2 weeks. I have been following to a t, with standing one day floor the next. Still doing my cardio 5-6 days a week as well. Is is normal to maybe retain water or could I already be bulking? I am doing lighter to no weights and added 200 walking lunges, no weight twice a week during my floor days. My pants seem to fit tighter past few days so I was just concerned. Any advice or suggestions would be great appreciated!

I've tried Freestyle Training twice, the first time it did not work, and the second time it did, and it worked GREAT. The first time I did it like it is laid out in the Lower Body Solution book, and all it did was tire me out and I got no results.

The key for trying it the second time was virtually eliminating any weighted work except with a 10# medicine ball. That means nothing with a barbell, and no dumbbells. I alternate pilates and medicine ball exercises, and incorporate LOTS of lunges, squats and plies. I do leg work 5 days a week. I also use a Pilates ring, dyna bands, a stability ball, and Mindy Mylrea's Gliders.

You guys who are coming to the Ohio GTG will get a chance to do some of my routine.
Just Do It! :)
Hi, Kristen.

My personal opinion, is YES, freestyle training may bulk you up or 'help' you retain water (and for different reasons, perhaps you're using too much weight or perhaps your body won't respond like others do).

I'm finishing week #4 this weekend and the first 2 weeks I felt the same way you did. I was losing WEIGHT, but not inches. HOWEVER, I stuck with it and these last 2 weeks I've noticed a BIG BIG BIG difference in my butt, hips and outer thighs. I'm now down a full jeans size and am back in my size 4s (usually) and 6s on my bloating days.

In case you want input, here's what I've been doing for 4 weeks now:

cardio (usually 1 hour) 5 or 6 times a week;
lower body 4 or 5 times a week (one day standing weight work, next day floor work with little, like 1 or 2 lb ankle weights, or no weights)
reverse lunges (200), about 3 times per week;
leg extensions and leg curls on the weight bench 3 times per week (4 sets of 20 reps, about 15 lbs);
Upper body 2 times per week.
Walking lunges 1 or 2 times per week, 100-200 (I prefer the reverse lunges the most cuz that's the move that makes my butt feel it the most in the right places).

I say stick with it. You may need to tweek it to suit your personal results, but stick with it.

I hope I've helped a bit.

>The key for trying it the second time was virtually
>eliminating any weighted work except with a 10# medicine ball.
> That means nothing with a barbell, and no dumbbells. I
>alternate pilates and medicine ball exercises, and incorporate
>LOTS of lunges, squats and plies. I do leg work 5 days a
>week. I also use a Pilates ring, dyna bands, a stability
>ball, and Mindy Mylrea's Gliders.
>You guys who are coming to the Ohio GTG will get a chance to
>do some of my routine.
>Just Do It! :)

Hey Honeybunch!:)

I have been back and forth over wether to purchase Mindy's gliding set for home use...I gather that you like it? What's the intensity like cardio-wise? Good leg work out?

I really haven't tried it for cardio except for jammin' to my own music, and if you do that you can make it as intense as you want. They are fabulous for lunges - again, I don't use her workouts, per say, just put together her moves in my own pattern. I love them! My classes love them, too. This week in my Pilates class we're doing a three-directional lunge set with lunges out to the side, diagonal back, then to the back. Talk about a butt burner!!!!
Just Do It! :)

If you have the time, could you please post what types of legwork you do each day? I'm really interested in the exercises you do with the medicine ball. Thank you very much!

>I really haven't tried it for cardio except for jammin' to my
>own music, and if you do that you can make it as intense as
>you want. They are fabulous for lunges - again, I don't use
>her workouts, per say, just put together her moves in my own
>pattern. I love them! My classes love them, too. This week
>in my Pilates class we're doing a three-directional lunge set
>with lunges out to the side, diagonal back, then to the back.
>Talk about a butt burner!!!!
>Just Do It! :)

Thanks for the info!:)

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