Fitness RX


What do you think of the magazine?

Here's my 2 cents. I was not impressed with it at all. This past weekend I bought it thinking I would like it as much as M&F Hers. Boy was I wrong! Instead I think it is a poor attempt to try to mimic them. There were too many ads, almost every other page (not an exaggeration). There also were not that many articles. (I do not consider something that takes up 1/3 of the page to be an article.) Unless they change their format then I probably won't it again. I know that the magazines need to have advertisers, but at least the majority of the ads in M&F hers are mainly towards the back. In the meantime I try to keep my eyes open for other informative magazines. Maybe something will come out soon. Thanks for letting me vent!
I have to agree with Kristi. Although I have found some valuable info in the front sections where they summarize some of the more scientific journal articles, I have also read what I consider to be pure garbage. For instance, I think it was the first issue where they really promote a high protein/low carb diet (the Greenwich diet???) as a healthy alternative to the Atkins plan. And in one of the other early issues they recommend doing something like 90 mins at 85% MHR to burn off 1000 cals in one cardio session or something ridiculous like that.

I might buy an individual issue if I was REALLY desperate for a fitness fix, but I would never subscribe. On second thought, if I was that desperate for a fitness fix, I'd just log on to!

BTW- Same goes for Minna Lessigs fitness magazine whose name escapes me at the moment. Nothing but a multi page promo for her BFL type challenge.


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