Fitness level required for P90X?


I'm one of the many that are slobbering over the good results people are having with P90.

But, how do you know when you are ready for this series? I'm still 40 pounds overweight, but very active. I workout 5-6 times a week. I can do the Intensity series. That means i can get through the workout and do 90% of the exercises. I have to modify a few things.

I would like to try P90X but Im' afraid that since I'm not already in great shape, I would struggle too much with the program, get frustrated and have to quit because it is too hard.

i would appreciate your thoughs on this. Thanks everyone.

I say go for it. Disclaimer: I must say that I did not have good results... so far. I do like most of the workouts. I have gone to blending P90X with Cathe and I am liking it much better. I hope results will follow but I am having fun.

If you exercise as described, I think you will be fine. I actually find P90X easier than Cathe's advanced workouts. But everybody is different, YMMV. With this series there are many ways to modify.

If you have done your research and this series apeals to you, try it. I think it will compliment your workout collection, JMO.
The strength workouts in this series is by far the toughest strength workouts that I have done at home, period! Cathe's strength workouts don't even come close to the advanced level of the strength workouts in this series. This is my opinion.

What makes the strength workouts in this series so tough are the push ups and the pullups. Even though you can modify both moves, if you are doing push ups on your toes and unassisted pullups, I just can't see any Cathe strength workout being harder than the strength workouts in P90X. Again, my own personal opinion coming from a female exerciser.

I think the majority of Cathe's workouts are endurance type workouts. The strength work in P90X is gym style training, so it will definitely complement your Cathe workouts. The workouts can be modified to fit your current fitness level and you can progress at your own pace, so don't let the advanced level of these workouts scare you away completely.

There is a fit test that you can take at the Beach Body website. This will give you an idea if you are ready for this series. Honestly, only you know if these workouts are right for you or not.
I'm only on my second week of working out. I'll start my third on Monday, July 26th. This work is tough!! It's toughness is in the way it challenges you to work out in a way you haven't done previously. Naturally your not going to be able to perform the exercises as the people on the DVD. However, there are ways shown to modify theses exercises. They are gym style which I like!! They are not a waste of time, you are working you body and challenging it and you really feel it, right after the workout. There is balance though, some of the workouts that don't involve weights or pull-ups or push-ups are easier on the body, or they have you use your body in a different way so that you don't feel as though your constantly fatiguing the same muscle parts. I feel as though I'm getting good results, it's still very early. My husband has already commented that my body feels so strong and looks strong. I do feel stronger and tighter. I'm not a mega-athlete, just a person trying to do my best. I would highly recommend the series, I too think they mix very well with Cathe's workouts. After I finish with the rotation I can't wait to get Cathe's new stuff to shake things up again.
If you can do the Intensity Series with very few modifications, what in the world makes you think you aren't already in great shape?? Just because you have extra weight on you does not mean you are not fit!!!

Go for it! In my opinion, if you do Cathem workouts at least 3 times per week, then you are plenty ready. You may just need to modify some of the moves, but you do that for Cathe don't you???

People are so scared of this series. It is funny. It IS humbling, but it is NOT scary. It is a challenge!!!:)

Good Luck and have fun!!:)
.......and don't you guys get a HUGE pump from these workouts???
Wow, my arms, especially my tricep area, gets so engorged in a chest/back or shoulder/arm workout of P90X that it is hard as a rock. My whole upper arm. You can't pinch even a miliscule of fat when it gets like that. Too bad it could not always be that way. My hubby even thinks it is freaky!! The muscles are just so tight! is a great feeling!!!
I say GO FOR IT! This is the most amazing workout system that I have ever purchased and at the end of week 2 I feel fantastic! I have to modify a few things, but the entire workout is for you to do your personal best and improve from there. I am pushing myself harder now than I ever have because I am so psyched up for these workouts and can't wait to get to day 90!
Thanks guys. I feel better informed. I do enjoy gym style workouts a great deal.

After reading the posts it gave me an idea. I could even alternated between the tough workouts and something easier and less strenuous just to keep me going.

Thanks guys!

I think it was Kepi who mentioned that there is a "fit test" designed especially for this series on the Beachbody website. After taking this test, which takes about 45 minutes to complete, you will have a good idea about whether or not you're ready for p90x. I was hesitant about ordering the series, too, but I was able to complete the fit test with ease, so I ordered!

I don't think that P90X is that tough either and I am doing all of the push-ups on my toes except for the dive bombers.

It really depends with what weight you started out with. With Cathe, I am usually using more weights then her (think a 50 or 60 lbs barbell for Chest work in PS CST). Or remember the FIRM Lower Body Split (a parts tape) - I am using fixed weights for all the standing leg work which is a 55 lbs barbell. Having that much on your shoulders for almost an hour gives you a lot of endurance and in regards of the leg strength, the wall squats aren't that bad either then.

Be aware that you'll loose muscle endurance doing P90X exclusively for 90 days.
Hi Danna! In all honesty Tony Horton did develop this program for people who finished P90. It was designed to take these people to the next level. Even though I'm advanced P90X kicked my butt. You have to be able to do pull-ups & chin ups whether chair assisted or not. You can, however, buy B-line bands if you have a door hinge to place the band on. Also Tony does A LOT of push ups!!!!:eek: All different ways; military; fast faced & slow paced; going from side to side; clap push-ups (these are EXTREMELY HARD); you also have to eat more. This is very intense & not meant to be a weight loss program either. If you can get through ALL of Cathe's workouts without modifications then your ready but not before. Just my .02 take it or leave it. Kathy:D
> This is very intense & not meant to be a weight loss
>program either.
> Kathy:D

But haven't people lost weight on this program? I thought I read someone post that.

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