Fell off the step!!!


Active Member
Hey everyone!

Has anyone out there ever fell off their step? LOL!!It happened to me last Friday! Now mind you, I've been stepping for over 10 years, and this has NEVER happened to me before. I was just starting my workout tape, it was Extreme Intervals with Mindy Mylrea, the very first section, which I happen to dislike. I just feel that the moves are awkward and a little complicated for an interval tape.

Anyway, just as I was thinking about how much I disliked this particular section, my foot slipped off the end of the step (at least, I think that's what happened!!!) and I felt myself going down. LOL!! It actually seemed like I was falling in slow motion, but I couldn't catch myself. I went right down on my butt and as I put my hand out to catch myself, my hand went back on the rug really hard and I scraped the skin off the bottom of the palm of my hand!! Yikes!!! I jumped right up and went into the bathroom to wash my hand off, hoping my daughter didn't hear me fall! But no... of course, she came running downstairs to see if I was ok. How embarassing!!

I've tripped on the step plenty of times, but was always able to catch myself. Maybe it's time to invest in one of the longer Step Co. steps... (hmmm...)

Anyone else have any funny step stories to tell, or am I the only klutz out there???????!!!!! :-hmmm
You might be interested in the reviews for this tape at CollageVideo.com. One person fractured her ankle doing the tape, and several others, with varying degrees of enthusiasm for the tape as a whole, describe the tape as extremely fast. When I read the review by the person who fractured her ankle, I decided that I would not buy the tape and that I probably wouldn't try Mylrea at all. Too frightened after fracturing my ankle almost exactly a year ago today. Take care!!
Hi Stepqueen, yes I once fell off the step and slammed my head on the coffee table. It just happened so fast and I just went flying. Ouch!! You are not alone. Mary
No--I slipped on ice, my knee dislocated, and there went my ankle. At first I thought it was just a sprain, but after a couple days with no improvement, had it x-rayed and discovered a fracture. Wore a cast and then a boot for 10 weeks, and then very gradually started doing step again. It was a frustrating time, but I kept doing upperbody wts. I just never want to go through all of that again. New England winters in a cast and boot are not easy! (Although this yr. has been really mild.)
Yes, I fell off while doing Step Fit for the first time. It is one of my favorate tapes, but whenever I get to that part where I fell (the feet shuffle thing on top of the step at the end of the tape) I get nurvous. I don't know why, it may have been because of my new sneakers. When they're new they are slippery. I feel right on my butt. x( My husband was in the room and after he found out I was ok, he laughed so hard, we both got a good laugh.
I felt so stupid, I've been doing step since the late 80's.
So don't feel bad, I think everyone fell off at least once.
Faythe ;-)
RE: Flying steppers

Yup, I'm a member of that club. It happened at Golds Gym in Temecula about 10 years ago, with about 35 students in the class at the time. I'd been stepping for about 5 years then. I guess I was tired and not paying attention. The class was very fast, and we were doing a back-half turn over the top of the step (a helicopter, she called it--but nonetheless a simple move). One second I was be-bopping along, the next I was sliding backwards across the room and took out 3 other people. It was horribly embarrassing. :eek: I also severly sprained my ankle. x( I think I didn't "lift" on the "hop," so my body weight was torqued into the turn and my ankle just stayed planted. The very next week, the instructor called me at home to tell me she had flipped off the back of her platform! It happens to the best of us. Thank God you weren't hurt badly. :)
Honey...I have skid marks down the sides of my step, LOL! :D

I have also performed the following tricks during my quest for fitness.

1. While testing my step stability in a tight skirt and high heels (don't ask), it was not securely stable. I tumbled in slow motion to the floor.

2. Cracked the back of my head with a hex dumb while doing behind the head tricep extensions.

3. Smashed bare foot in to a dumbell lurking on my floor.

4. Snapped a flexband end in to my unsuspecting head...

Another Klutz Sister
Stepping Klutzes Unite! :)

I once sprained my ankle pretty badly falling off my step during Jennifer Mills Palmer's most recent CIA video. Like with everyone else, it was a relatively simple move ( I guess it's easier to let my mind wander during the simple moves and get myself into trouble! :) ) and the next thing you know I was on the floor, calling my daughter to bring me an ice pack quick! :) I also fell off once during Step Fit, but it was less injury, more embarassment.

Let's see, then there was the time I punched my bookcase during kickboxing ( Nope, I wasn't mad, just lost my place in my space ;-) ) and had to run for a bandaid because the skin peeled up and I had tons of blood running down my finger from a miniscule little abrasion.

I've smushed fingers between 2 dumbells when putting them back down in their neat little row on the floor.

I had to stagger back and sit on the couch when I couldn't quite get back up on that last low end static lunge.

Scratched my leg with my fingernails once doing quarter dead lifts. Have to keep that barbell nice and close to the legs, right? :)

If you make fitness a lifestyle, you're bound to collect some embarassing fitness-related incidents. At least, that's what I tell myself. ;-)

I'm definitely a klutz when it comes to step aerobics.

The funniest slip-up I have seen happened to somebody else. The company I work for has a very small gym that we can use on our lunch hour. One day, this guy was running on the treadmill and reading a magazine at the same time. I've never figured out how people can run and read at the same time. Nothing wrong with it, of course, but I have to pay attention to what I'm doing since I'm a klutz. Anyway, this guy ended up slipping somehow and fell on the treadmill which of course shot him off the backend. Funny part was that his magazine shot halfway across the gym. I'm not exaggerating - I have no idea how the magazine got up so much speed. But it turned into a bullet. I had to immediately run to the locker room because I couldn't hold back from laughing (it was obvious that he was okay and he even got back on). He got back on - no reading this time!

Oh my gosh, Lisa!

That was too funny! I am sitting here laughing out loud! Why is it so funny when someone falls? (of course, I mean when they aren't hurt!) My friend's sister was at her house using their treadmill and she flew backwards off of it and went right into their drywall and could not get up.:-wow The treadmill was still going and she was yelling for someone but no one heard her for awhile. Luckily, she wasn't hurt too bad but you should have seen the hole in their wall!! YIKES! She now wears the key that turns the treadmill off if you fall. Now, just to let you all know~I checked my step out and it has quite a few scuff marks and scratches where I have ALMOST fallen! It happens if I am tired and my step is too high that day! JOINING the "CLUB" with you all!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Ha, Erin!

Hopefully, you didn't have tights on while doing those 1/4 deadlifts!! LUCKY you to have a couch to stagger back to for those low ends!! Hmmm, I might need to do some re-arranging in my workout room!;-)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thank you all; because I thought that I was the sole member of this secret club!!! I too have been stepping since the late 80's. It was when I was too, learning Step Fit, and somehow I hit the step and flew across the room!!! I slid into the armoire! I was stunned and embarassed even though I was alone with my dogs. They were so stunned also, one was growling and other ran and hid!! It was that loud---ouch!! I am always testing my step, but I notice that on a certain move you have to watch that the tip of your shoe doesn't catch the under lip of the step. It can hit it just right that it flips and you trip up. Thankfully this does not occur too often. Who says stepping and other cardio workouts are not a sport with it's own sports injuries and comic relief??
Thanks for sharing.
Sister Klutz
May I join too!

Happened to me just this morning...I fell off midway through Step Works. It was my first time and I was watching Cathe closely when I fell off the end. My husband happened to be downstairs at the time and said what the "heck" happened.
I explained how I was watching the TV and Cathe, he told me it was no wonder I was always getting hurt! :) I have fallen off before, never gotten hurt badly, ok, just my pride!
I too have the marks on the side of my step...tell tale treadmarks! Hopefully I can make it through the next time!

I've had two good ones.

While at the end of MIC doing the blast where you jump both feet on the board then jump up and jump rope, the tips of my shoes hit the front of the step! I went face first into the entertainment center knocking over photos, spilling my water and pushing the VCR off the back! I was fine, my ego was bruised.

The next one was at the gym. Of course it was 6:00 pm and very busy! Using the treadmill for the first time. I started looking around not paying attention to what I was doing and half stepped on the non moving side. I flew off the back!!! I was soooooo embarrased. I got up and announced to the whole room that my husband thought me that move. A little laughter helped the red from my face calm down.

I rate these embarrassing moments to the time while driving I started screaming loudly beacause a spider came down from the rear view mirror!

I just have to tell you all that I am sitting here at work reading all those stories and trying DESPERATELY not to laugh out loud! Some of these are too funny (especially the one about the guy falling off the treadmill and the magazine shooting across the room!).

Just the other day I went flying on my butt doing one of Cathe's step tapes. My husband was sleeping in the room next door and all I could think of was how embarrassed I was and that I hoped he wouldn't run out to see if I was okay. Well, my husband slept through it but my dog was running around barking thinking he had to protect me from someone! (No, just the step!)

Anyway....I've had a good time reading all of these! You guys made my day!

I am SO glad I decided to fess up about my fall off the step. I LOVE reading these stories; they are hilarious!!

I can definitely relate to Laura's story about the end part of MIC. You really have to look down at the step because at that point in the tape your legs are really tired and it's easy to trip on the front of the step. Also, during that part, Cathe says something like "Look down at the step, be careful not to overshoot it!!" And I'm thinking, "OVERshoot? What is she, crazy?? I cant even make it onto the step without tripping and she's talking about overshooting?? To me, overshooting it would be jumping over the whole step!!! Every time I do that tape, I always wonder what she really meant when she said that!!

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