Ectochick Check 11/11


Hey Ladies,

This week's meeting of the Ectochicks will now come to order. :)

Following Maribeth's suggestion (see the "putting on muscle thread"), instead of doing a couple of weeks heavy, a couple of weeks light, I'm going to do both in the same week. I started last Friday, so here's how it will work:

Friday CTX UB (light)
Saturday off
Sunday LL (light, it sure didn't *feel* light!)
Monday SH Chest/Back (heavy)
Tuesday SH Legs (heavy)
Wednesday off
Thursday SH Bis and Tris (heavy)

DH told me he couldn't see any difference in my legs. This is frustrating, because I can sure see some new muscle development, but I guess it's not obvious to others yet. At least he's honest.

Y'all have a great week!


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