Eating Healthy 12/6/04


Hi everyone.

B - scrambled eggs
S - hb egg, cheese, triscuits
L - leftover chicken w/broccoli
S - walnuts
D - venison, salad, potatoes

Hope everyone has a great day.

Good morning,

Took the weekend off due to a sore knee.

6 am - Leaner Legs

B - coffee, 1/2 blueberry scone, yogurt
S - yogurt, fruit
L - soup, salad with chicken
S - fruit, nuts
D - lemon chicken

Really going to try and cut out all of the nibbling I have been doing lately. Going to try and stick with the BFL as best I can. Will be tough as I have yet to make my Christmas cookies. :9

Have a great day.
Shopgirl :)
Good Morning -

Achilles tendon bothering me, so light workout today -
7:30 a.m. Paula Abdul Dance Video

B – FF yogurt with flaxseed meal and banana
L – Lentils, steamed carrots, wild and brown rice
D – Large Salad, snow peas
S – Apple

Hey guys. I just realized I missed the $50K What Not To Wear last nite...did anyone watch it? I love that show! Rats. I hope they replay it.

Oh yeah...gonna workout tonite, going into a SH rotation.

1- Yogurt/oatmeal/flax/fruit smoothie protein powder
2 - protein bar
3 - leftover chicken breast, brown rice, tomatoes
4 - cottage cheese and apple
5 - not sure....DH is out of town

Morning Ladies!

7:30 p.m. workout is PLB & ARX}(

Today's meals are:

Meal 1: 2 egg white cheese omelette w/1 crumpette & 1 Tbsp blueberry jam + french roast coffee
Meal 2: cottage cheese w/blueberries & granola + white tea
Meal 3: shrimp/mixed veggies + apple
Meal 4: turkey burger w/cheese + mixed salad
Meal 5: turkey burger/corn

Have a good day! Kathy:D
Well after a weekend of TERRIBLE eating, time to get back on track x(

s - prunes, coffee
b - eng muff, eggwhites w/ cheese, v8
l - vegetable, bean, and rice soup
s - protein shake with strawberries
d - terriyaki tofu and vegies over brown rice

i'm determined to lose these last 5 lbs by New Years! And i really need to tighten up my eating for that to happen (particularly my weekend eating). Hopefully having to check in every day will help!

ok i'm done yapping...

Have a good day everyone!
Ok, I'm up two pounds today due to chinese food last night. I know it's just bloating, so I'm not concerned. I hadn't had it for months, so it tasted really good!
Ok, here's my day:

B- Fiber One cereal W/ Strawberries
S- Chicken W/romaine lettuce and Newmans own balsamic vinagrette light
L- Salmon W/broccoli
S- Jello Smoothy
D- Ah! Dh wants to order a pizza! I'm at a loss, I may just pass on the pizza, but i'll have to leave the house to do it.

What do you ladies do when your husband wants to order a pizza and the day before you ate like crap too, so you don't want to eat that way two days in a row? Do you have the will power to say no to pizza? Or do you do like I'm going ot have to do and leave the house while your child, or children and dh eat? Or do you just say to heck with it and eat it anyway?
What to do, what to do?

I eat it! We work out real hard. Oftentimes if you workout HARD, your metabolism is high and it burns whatever you eat right off. Of course, you'd have to WT and all including cardio. Me for example, I watch what I eat 5x a week. I LOVE gourmet food so I eat that on weekends. I don't lose weight during the week really. It's after I eat garbage I lose between 2-4 pounds then it stops for a week and I'd lose another 2-4 pounds when weekend comes. I pretty much only lose weight during the weekends.

BTW- My name is Lisa. Nice to meet all of you guys. Hopefully soon I'd be posting my eating on here!
Pizza....that is tough! Hi Lisa!

s:coffee, half a balance bar
b:Kashi Go lean cereal, with half a banana and soymilk
l:Leftover Cabbage soup, fruit smoothie
s:Walnuts, apple
d: trying something new "Tofu Pot Pie!" Also a big salad
Dessert: fruit smoothie

Hi, Lisa nice to meet you! That's funny, I'm totally oposite to you, I only loss weight during the week, usually towards teh end of the week that all of the sudden I'll be down 2 pounds. Funny how we're all different like that, huh.
I'm sure I'll end up eating it. I could have just said, no to dh, but I chose not to. I think that I will try very hard to get some veggies , maybe I'll do the 4 for all and get my 4th of the pizza veggie.
Well, I have to go, but you ahve a great day! Join us whenever you can!

I eat the pizza and try and eat extra healthy rest of the day and the next few days to make up for it.Or, eat only one piece and fill up on salad beforehand. Any other way and I feel deprived and won't stick with it anyway. But really, it depends on how mentally strong I am feeling.

Hi Lisa and welcome.....I'm Lisa too!!

Kathy...I would eat the pizza (and try to limit myself to one or two slices}( )

Here is the good, bad, and ugly of my diet today:

B Toasted Oats w/ skim milk & OJ
S coke
L Number one combo from Chick-filet w/ coke
S none
D Roast beef w/ potatos and baked beans w/water

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