Do you JUST do ONE P90X per day or more?


I have been following (with much interest) all of everyone's successes with the P90X.

I did buy quite a few of the DVD's on Ebay. (I have about 7 I think). I am enjoying them quite a bit and even got my DH interested in doing it, as he used to lift weights a LOT when he was in his 40's, (he is now almost 51). And the fact that he would ever workout to a "video" says something about P90X. IT's "real".

ANYWAY, I use a P90X upper body workout maybe once or twice through the week, but mostly I use Cathe.

My question is this: for those of you who do the P90X rotations, do you ALSO add in other cardio during the day? Do you add any extra Cathe workouts on the same day as doing the P90X?

I used to be satisfied with an hour workout per day, but now I don't feel like I really "worked it" unless I get in 90 or more minutes per day.

Just wondered what those who have had success with Tony Horton do per day! Thanks!
My question is this: for those of you who do the P90X rotations, do you ALSO add in other cardio during the day? Do you add any extra Cathe workouts on the same day as doing the P90X?

To answer your question...yes...I do other cardio (I run 3-4 days a week). I also add a Cathe leg workout and sometimes some other upper body workouts mainly focusing on shoulders, biceps and triceps. I am going into my 10th week and am very happy with this purchase and the results...:)...Carole

Do you add a bicep workout on a day that you are doing a P90X bicep workout? Just curious.... I don't want to overwork anything.

No, as a long time lifter....I always wait at least 48 hours before working the muscle again. In the 1st week Arms & Shoulders (bi's & tri's) I did on a wed and if I thought I needed more I also did a shoulder, bi & tri workout of Cathe's on Sat....:)...Carole
Jackie, the workouts are perfectly balanced. For us women, legs seem to be the only area that might not be enough, especially if you don't have all of the workouts.

What is really important with these workouts is that the last 3 reps feel really hard. If you reach your rep goal and you feel that you could have done more, than you need to up your weights. Once you pick the poundage that is challenging you, you will no longer feel like you need to add in extra strength work. :)
I do add cardio on the days of the weight work. I usually run for 30 minutes or do another 30 minutes of a cardio workout, such as CTX, etc. I also do another Cathe lower body workouts during the week since there is only one "leg" day in P90X. I don't add any other upper body work, though.

Hi Jackie! I didn't read everyone else's posts here so I hope I'm not repeating. There are 3 different rotations that Tony gives you. Classic/Lean/Doubles. If you were following the Doubles rotation, then you would do 2 workouts a day (one in the AM & the other in the PM). I'm into my 7th week of the Classic rotation which concentrates mostly on strength training. I can't stand his KENPO X so I simply substitute Terri Reeves CIA 2203 tape instead. She combines plyometrics w/kickboxing. This gives me plyo 2x a week. So far I'm having GREAT results w/the program. I'm now down to a 23 1/2" waist from a 25 before starting. Arms have gotten bigger. You have to decide with your schedule which rotation to follow. HTH, Kathy:D

Came back to add that I'll tack on some exercises for my legs: deadlifts/leg presses/hover squats. That's all I add on because after doing Tony's one legged wall squats + wall squats that's enough for me:eek: I just felt that my tushy was starting to get mushy.
I've been primarily doing 1 workout a day, following the "Classic" rotation. About once every two weeks, I'd slip in an extra cardio day (still one workout per day), and once in a while, I'd do a short cardio workout as a "warm-up" for Plyo X or the legs workout.
I've been adding an extra Cathe leg workout on the legs and back day and on the plyo day. No extra cardio as yet, I've been thinking about adding an extra cardio day. I thoroughly enjoy the workouts, I want to get my waist down to that 23 1/2 like that other P90Xer. Thats great!! Yet her arms got larger, that's what I'm looking for. Hope you have good times with P90X! Oh I should add I'm only in my third week and I didn't add an extra Cathe until my 2nd week, now by the time I'm finished I've got serious leg fatigue!!

I do add cardio on some of the weight days.. but it is usually pretty moderate and/or brief... ie a stroller power walk with my toddler or a cardio segment from Cathe's CTX series.

Ideally, I like to put some time in between them too.. ie early morning cardio and then a noon time walk or vice versa. I find that if I try to do my cardio right after a P90X workout I am pretty fatigued. I get pretty out of breath while doing the P90X strength training, so although its not "official" cardio I do feel like I am burning some calories.. therefore, I don't want to overtrain and really push the cardio on those days.

Good luck, Lynn M.
I'm just starting P90X... on my 5th workout day. I've been adding 30 min of cardio after the workouts. Just had to say that I'm with you KathyH... today was KenpoX and I really didn't like that! I just turned it off after I got sick of watching the timer move so slow.
KenpoX isn't one of my I alternate KPC with Kenpo...and the more I do Kenpo...the more I began to like it...:)...Carole

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