Did any of you see Oprah today?


What did you think about the plug for weight traingin? Great huh? What we already know!!!!

What though did you guys think of the mom with 8 kids saying that she only does cardio for 30 min. My sis-in-law who is a certified trainer says 30 is all you need too. What do you all think?

Let me know, Sharon
I'll tell you what, that lady with the 8 kids sold me on 30 mins cardio! WOW!!! She looked amazing! And did she have the dreamiest gym in her house or what???? Not to mention a hottie hubby. All in all she looked like she had a pretty good life. Anyway, I'm implementing her 4 days of weights (2 days upper, 2 days lower) and 30 mins of cardio (on the weight days) plus I'm adding 1 hr cardio on the remaining 2 days a week. Hope I end up looking like her!
Caroline Knorr
Well, I'm here on the West Coast and Oprah comes on at 4 so I'm GOING to watch it. I remember hearing a brief interview with her - I think it was after the Emmy's - where someone asked her how she's staying in shape and she said it was with weights! I was so excited to hear her say that because so many women are afraid of weight-training and Oprah is so influential. As a matter of fact, so many women in my own family are kind of put off by my weight-training. I don't really tell them about my barbell and number of dumbells because they think I'm freakish or something. Now that Oprah has endorsed weight-training, I really think a lot more women will get into it. And since I'm on the subject, I always have to restrain myself when women I know say they work out with like, 1-lb or 3-lb weights. I mean, of course you need to know your own limits, but I really think so many women fear bulking up, or fear they won't be able to lift heavy. Anyway, I'm tuning in, thanks for the advance!!
Caroline- one lb weights just crack me up- why bother. A large coffee from starbucks (20 oz) provided more resistence on a bicep curl (taking that sip) than a 16 oz AKA 1 pound weight!!

I did see part of oprah and that woman looked amazing!! She is 7 years older than me and has 5 more kids than me plus one on the way. They must have some serious money- did you see that huge house and swimming pool?? I know just raising 3 kids is amazing but raising 9- with that kind of a house- WOW!! I say good for her for working so hard and looking great to show for it. And I though it was just so cool how her kids were so proud of her and how her daughters and sons told of how they admired her strenth and how great their mother looked.
Everyone is different, and 30 minutes may work for some, but my personal experience is that I need more (like 45 minutes) and at least 5 days a week. But that's just ME! You HAVE to experiment! We all are different, and we have to try and find out what works for us as individuals.

So my personal magic formula is lots of cardio and heavy weights.

Just Do It! :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-02 AT 08:32AM (Est)[/font][p]I watched it & was totally inspired by the woman with 8 children. I mean, you have that many kids it has to do "something" to your body, so you must have to work to stay in shape.

I posted over at video fitness (I'm SouthJerseyDeb over there)
& a few people were very critical saying she had money & that's why she looks so good. I don't care how much money you have, YOU have to be the one to do the work. Personal trainer, nanny, whatever. It's still up to you! Did you all hear Bob dis Oprah at the beginning? If anyone has money & a personal trainer, it's Oprah. There was a very short conversation where he said something to the effect of "when you DO workout" and she was like "hey, we're here to talk about the guests, not me!" Ok, those are not exact quotes but that's what I took away from the conversation. If I got it wrong, I got it wrong.

The other women were/are also inspiring because they had to overcome other obstacles. However, what I got there is that they are emotional eaters & had those issues to deal with in addition to getting moving. I am not an emotional eater, so I couldn't relate to that, that's just me. I can't relate there. I'm not saying they haven't achieved something great. They absolutely have. But you know what, those women have money, too. You just had to look at their homes & listen to what they do for a living to know they could afford a gym membership or treadmill.

The woman with the 8 kids said she takes them with her. When they showed her in the gym alone it was probably the camera crew's idea so they could get in the shots they wanted. She said she does only 30 minutes of cardio but her "magic potion" (my words here) was weight training. When they showed her in the gym she was doing chest presses with what appeared to be 10 pound dumbbells. Not heavy but when you are pregnant, I know you ca still workout, but aren't there limits to what you should be lifting? It's been a very long time since I was pregnant & I don't remember.

My point (I didn't articulate it on video fitness)was that a lot of us make excuses about how busy we are and that is why we don't work out. I don't work & I only have one 16 year old child. I'm not wealthy by any stretch of the word, in fact live paycheck to paycheck & I do have a decent home gym, a squat rack with pullies, a good bench, 3 bar bells, multiple dumbbells, a good step, a bun & thigh rocker & about 15 different exercise tapes. I barely manage to squeak out an hour to work out. My excuse for not doing it consistently? I'M TOO BUSY. Fact of the matter is, when I really look at why I don't exercise every day or even every other day is that I am TOO LAZY!!!

I have been totally inspired to make working out a priority. At least for now. See me next week. I'll be too busy again!

Came back in to answer your question about 30 minutes of cardio...

I've read that in several places. I like to break up my workouts into weight days & cardio days. When I do a cardio day, I do at least 30 minutes but never less. So, how much do I NEED? I don't know, 30 minutes is the minimum that I WANT.
RE: Re: Did any of you see Oprah today?

With cardio time, it depends on what your goals are. For health related benefits, 20-30 minutes three times a week at 60-85% MHR is all you need. If your goal is weight loss, you might want to do more--but most exercising people do waaay too much cardio to meet their goals.

Too much cardio can lead to decreased muscle mass, which in turn, can lead to increased fat mass.
RE: Re: Did any of you see Oprah today?

Yes! Maribeth you just brought up a point I've been trying to make to people at the gym I work for YEARS! You know those "energizer bunnies"? Those women in the front of EVERY step class that always do everything as high impact as possible and just seem to have more energy than the rest of the class combined? I am always telling people you don't have to work out that hard to get the benefits!!! In fact, they are probably working against their goals by working out that hard. From what I can see most people at the gym fall into two categories, the ones who are working out TOO hard and the ones who arent working out hard enough (you know, they've got the treadmill on 3.0 and are strolling along watching tv or even worse, READING!!! If you can read, you're not working out hard enough).

Anyway, I'm gonna try the 30 mins a day thing and see how it works...I'll use the CTX videos and a few others (Imax in particular) and just cut them short.
RE: Re: Did any of you see Oprah today?

I think there is another side to all of this (and please don't anyone take this as personal criticism, even if I refer to your post, please).

We may critique these women at the front of step class or at the gym or wherever, because we think they are doing too much cardio and that it will be detrimental to their goals. But, do we know what their goals are?

Not everyone exercises to lose weight. I don't, I don't need to. Maybe I am therefore an "energizer bunny" in someone's view! I beg to differ.

I like the post on this thread that offered the view that while 30 minutes may be all her body needs, it's not all that she wants. I quite agree. I like good 45 minute Powermax type sweat or a good 2 hour powerwalk because it is the mental cobwebs I have to get rid of, not fat off my thighs. I need the time away from the almost constant worry abut other things in my life. Sure, my body needs to weight train and I do that for it twice a week, but I do not look forward to it. And I could not care less about the size of my biceps or triceps. I am an ecto, they are what they are. A Powermax a day keeps the psychologist away, I say!

We must be careful not to assume that everyone spends time exercising to either lose weight or acquire an extremely muscular physique such as we might see in the pages of M & F Hers mag or Oxygen. To my mind, and this is just my persoanal opinion here, a lot of wwhat I see in those magazines is excesssive (hours fusssing about triceps muscles, pages of advertizing for supplements and fat burners with dubious before and after pictures).

Maribeth has the science down and I really respect her wisdom and expertise, but I still think, you gotta do what works for you and makes you feel good, bottom line. At least the energizer bunnies are out there and not on the couch.....

RE: Re: Did any of you see Oprah today?

>I think there is another side
>to all of this (and
>please don't anyone take this
>as personal criticism, even if
>I refer to your post,
>We may critique these women at
>the front of step class
>or at the gym or
>wherever, because we think they
>are doing too much cardio
>and that it will be
>detrimental to their goals.
>But, do we know what
>their goals are?
>Not everyone exercises to lose weight.
> I don't, I don't
>need to. Maybe I
>am therefore an "energizer bunny"
>in someone's view! I
>beg to differ.
I want to second what Clare has said here. This summer I was training for Triathlons and you know I was exercising way more then someone would need to. I did some pretty long cardio session. However I wasn't exercising for weight loss I was exercising to finsih a endurance event and 30 minutes a day wouldn't have cut it for.
The thing is I didn't gain nor lose weight and since I quit that scedule I have not gained nor lost weight either.

So it all depends on your goal.
Now my goal is trying to rebuild muscle that I lost from all the cardio and not being able to do much lifting. So I've cut way back on cardio - I fall into the 45 minutes 3 times a week now. That works just fine for me.
I agree

I am currently 20 weeks pregnant, so I'm definitely not exercising to lose weight. ;-) My "feel good" cardio workout length is around 45 minutes to an hour, including warm up and cooldown. Sometimes I like to go longer, but it's for fun, not "results." I love the endorphins and grooving to the music. It's playtime. Yes, there are times when I'm exercising just to get my cardio in, and those days I'm usually satisfied with 20 - 30 minutes. Maybe my instincts are telling me that's all my body really needs. But it's definitely not what my heart and soul need. :) THEY must need the energizer bunny vibes I get, because in the few live classes I've been to, I'm one of those right up front with my 8 inch step and lots of energy. :)

Someone asked about limits on weight lifting when you're pregnant. Basically you can lift at the level you were lifting prior to pregnancy for as long as you can do so comfortably. You need to be able to complete the lift without holding your breath. I have not yet had to reduce my weights for any of my weight training. I HAVE had to drop to my knees for pushups due to reduced core strength. Soon I'll be moving them up onto the edge of my step because my belly is starting to get in the way. :) I'll be switching to dumbbells soon with certain exercises for the same reason. Thank goodness research now agrees with what we fit women have known forever: Exercise is GOOD for you when you're pregnant, as long as you do it with a heaping dose of common sense. :-D

Erin and ?

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