LOL...what a fun thread. Ok, here is the low down:
When I teach my classes here at the gym its a "whip your hair up in a pony no make up affair". In fact sometimes I get a bit too relaxed and have to remember that I am out in public...

If I know a visitor is coming to take class I will throw on some eyeliner and light mineral makeup so that I don't frighten the visitor away
When I am doing the Roadtrip I put on make up, but MUCH LIGHTER than I do for filming. Main reason is that this is a highly photographed professional event and it's important to look presentable to the public at a public event. As you can see in the pic's though, the hair is downright soaked, the face is fllushed and full of sweat and the corners of the mouth are foaming...(OK, TMI

When I film its a whole different animal. The lights are so blown out and BRIGHT that if you wear no make up your facial features literally disappear. You have to "draw back your face" under that extreme lighting with some make up. If you don't you look pale and sickly.
As far as wearing more make up now than before...we can thank High Def for that. Ask any news reporter, big/small screen actor or DVD instructor, ha, will tell you they would love to do away with high def on the body/face. Looks great for everything else but it is unforgiving to the body and face. In fact, it at times creates shadows or lines that aren't even noticeable in real life. Oh its so awful

So now I feel like make up takes forever because we have to create contours and shadows in areas to soften the high def appearance....sigh.
So that's the scoop