Cathe, I've included a link to your site on my homepage!!


Hi Cathe and everyone! I've recently updated my AOL homepage to include information about this terrific site!! Since I credit a lot of my success with weight loss and fitness to Cathe's tapes, I thought it only right to include the link! Please check out my homepage if you get a chance and let me know what you think! Thanks!!

Hi Carol, I couldn't help myself but to butt in here. I went to your homepage and read your story. You should be so proud of yourself. Isn't Cathe awesome!! She really help me get in shape. One of these days I have to go visit her gym because I am right here in NJ. Well keep up the awesome job:D
Hi Carol, you look great!!!
I know what you mean about using only Cathe tapes now. I have all these Fitprime and Firm workouts, that I know I won't use anymore since I have discovered Cathe. I just don't think that I will use anything else now. Maybe I will give them to my sister, I have just got her started on woking out now.

Hi Barbara! Thanks!! Yes, she is the BEST! I would love to take a class at her gym sometime!! I live in Ohio, but you never know if I might make it to NJ one of these days!

Hi Pat! Thanks!! I gave all my FitPrime tapes and my original Firm Parts tapes to my coworkers. I would rather see them go to people who might actually use them than have them sitting around in my closet, collecting dust! I still have the six original Firm volumes, and some of my old favorites like the Tri Trainer series which has now been renamed, but all I've done for three months is Cathe!! I figured I'd save some of the old Firm tapes for "light" days if I need them - LOL! She really is the best and I'm hooked!!

RE: Cathe, I've included a link to your site on my home...

Carol! Congratulations on your journey! You long fabulous and should be very proud of your accomplishment! Way to go and thanks for sharing your should put this over in the success forum.
RE: Cathe, I've included a link to your site on my home...

Thanks Jo! It's already on the Success forum as well!

RE: Cathe, I've included a link to your site on my home...


Great website, thanks for letting us know that it's - out there - :)

I was curious, Carol, did you focus on cardio or more strength training when you were losing weight?

Cheers, Marcia :)
RE: Cathe, I've included a link to your site on my home...

Thanks Marcia! I'm not really done losing yet. My first goal is to get to size 6, and I'm nearly there. In fact, I can actually get size 6 jeans on, but I can't quite button them ... but I'm very close!! LOL! Then, I'm going to concentrate more on the tape measure and not so much on the numbers on the scale, since my BMI will be 24 when I've lost just three more pounds. I would love to be size 4 someday, and there's no reason in the world I can't get there!

My weakness is cardio, so I've been trying to do more of it, and Cathe's awesome step tapes certainly help!! I have my aerobic endurance back!! It's like a miracle for me, and I'm not kidding. I can do IMAX2!! It's such a great tape! I also love Rhythmic Step, although I do seem to end up on the wrong foot a lot - LOL!!

I work 12 hour nights (I'm an RN), and I work different days all the time. I might have only three days one week but five the next in which to workout, so I try to balance out cardio and strength training over a period of several weeks. If I have two days to workout in a row, I'll do cardio one day and strength training the next. If there's a break in between, I'll look at what I did the last time and try to alternate. It sounds confusing but that's why I keep track in a log. I'm really trying to balance it, since that seems to be what's working best for me!

RE: Cathe, I've included a link to your site on my home...

Hi Carol~I know I've told you before but you look awesome!!! You go girl and keep up the great job! Cathe sure DOES make it fun, doesn't she?
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Cathe, I've included a link to your site on my home...

Thanks, Carol. I know what you mean about trying to fit in both cardio and weights. I seem to end up doing about the same thing you do. Whatever I feel like doing that day and hopefully it's opposite what I did yesterday. :) Thanks for your input so quick and, again, you have a great website - YOU LOOK ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!! Way to go.

Cheers, Marcia.
RE: Cathe, I've included a link to your site on my home...

Hey there Debbie!! :D Yes, she does make it fun!! Not only fun, but I love the human side of her tapes! They're not big "Hollywood" productions, if you know what I mean! I love the way she interacts with the others, and I like that you can see them all working and sweating! It makes it more "real", and you feel like you're right there with them, doing the workout. "It's getting toasty in there!" LOL! It makes me feel like she knows what I'm going through, and she's right there with me. She's gifted in her teaching abilities. She really is!!

RE: Cathe, I've included a link to your site on my home...

Thanks again Marcia!! I can't wait to post a pic of me in those size 6's!! I WILL get there!!

RE: Cathe, I've included a link to your site on my home...

Amen Carol, you said it all! The BEST out there!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Cathe, I've included a link to your site on my home...

Wow you are doing fantastice!!! Keep up the great journey and I'll check back to see how you are :)


RE: Cathe, I've included a link to your site on my home...

Hi Carol,

Great job! You look great. I seen your story in the Success forum, but seeing the pictures was neat! To see you shrinking down to a size 6. Keep it up, I am sure you will be in them before you know it.

Have a great day!

Carol, you rock!!

What a WONDERFUL site! Carol, you have come so far already, and look so fabulous -- the sky's really the limit! You are an inspiration. What I love most about your webpage are two things: one, your honesty and the courage it takes (and IMHO it does take courage) to share this story publicly; and two, your dedication NOT just to losing weight, but to becoming personally well and fit in a whole-person way. That rings big bells with me!

Keep it movin' keep it movin', as our little guru says -- I can't wait to "see" your next progress report! Kathy S.
RE: Carol, you rock!!

Kathy, thank you so much for your kind words!! There are so few of us who commit to regular exercise and staying healthy, that I thought if I could share what I've been through, others might be encouraged by it. I'll be 46 soon, and it's so important to take care of yourself, at any age, but especially as we get older. I work in a Cardiac Care Unit now, and I've seen firsthand the devastating effects of poor lifestyle choices. I take care of women younger than me at times, and plenty around my own age, who already have heart disease and adult-onset diabetes. They're overweight and their diets are full of fast food and unhealthy choices. These things are preventable!! I was lazy for so many years, thinking a few weeks here and there of working out would protect me, and even when the weight slowly piled on, I was in denial. I really do thank God I was able to see what I had done to myself, and take steps to change it! That picture of me at my college friend's wedding is what did it for me.

The friend was my old boyfriend in college, and he and I have kept in touch all these years. I hadn't seen his family or a few of his friends from college since 1981, and his friends didn't recognize me at first. I was over 80 pounds heavier last summer at that wedding than I had been when we all graduated in 1981. His family recognized me, but I could tell how shocked they were. It was so wonderful to see him married, but at the same time all I wanted to do was go home that night and cry. But, if that hadn't happened, I might never have taken the first steps to finally do something about the way I looked. More importantly, I have done something healthy for my body, and in turn it's changed my outlook on life in general. It's as if I've shed a lot of baggage along with the weight and the inches. Who knows what we store in those fat cells? LOL!

Well, thanks again!! This forum is really terrific, and you folks are kind and supportive!!

RE: Cathe, I've included a link to your site on my home...

Thank you Beverly! I'm going to check out the link in your signature too!!


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