Bulking up


New Member
Dear Cathe,

I've recently discovered your videos and have been doing them approximately twice a week. I purchased them to add variety to my workouts. I kickbox 2-3 times a week and run (around 4-5 miles) 1-2 a week. My goal is to lose 12-15 pounds. I've noticed that my quadriceps look bulkier and feel more muscular which gives an overall appearance of thicker, bigger legs. I really like your videos (I've been doing Power Max, Body Max, and MIC) but could stepping be the cause of my legs bulking up? What can I do to avoid growing too much muscle mass on my thighs?
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-02 AT 02:46AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi,
Not Cathe but just wanted to say that I'm trying to grow my stems and found that adding step has actually slimmed them down more! which was so dramatic that i had to cut down on the step and heavy up more with the S&H leg work. Don't understand this when most people claim step bulks up their quads, it almost made mine disappear! Oh but I love BodyMax and powermax ... I keep those two in my rotation!
Hi JKC! When you change your routine around a bit, the muscles swell temporarily as they acclimate to the new workout. This could be what you are noticing. While some people genetically have more potential than others to gain leg mass, these same people have this tendancy with other forms of powerful leg activities too.

The fact that you run usually will help counter balance the legs bulking. Also the fact that you are only doing the step tapes two times per week should also help. Perhaps try spacing your step workouts out by three days and see if this helps. Good Luck!.

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