BodyRx "Check-in"


Well this is more like a report. I just the first day of Cycle 1, Legs, the BodyRx way today, using Slow and Heavy and here's how I modified, and how I will modify in the future. Disclaimer: Preliminary findings only!

I did static lunges first, to pre-fatigue the legs to make up for the inability to lift 100 pounds overhead. So, I did 6 slow reps each leg (with Cathe and crew) with a 50 pound bar on my shoulders.

First hint to the wise: make sure you can hoist that bar down off the shoulders (overhead first!) as easily as you can put it up in the first place! Used db's the next 2 sets.

Then I did squats, with these same dumbbells, going back to the Mix&Match menu each time. My dumbbells are the screw-on adjustable kind. I almost got rid of them but I'm glad now that I didn't.

Then, Plies. I used one 40-pound dumbbell for plies and did them slow with Cathe & crew, but to make the (only 6) reps take my all, I knew I had to make them harder. So I converted each rep (in the last 2 sets) into a double-low-end rep. Then the 6th rep really eked out my last ounce of strength.

Next time I will do the squats low-end style too. Sit-n-stand is another possibility. I used 2 30-pound dumbbells down at my sides. IMO, it worked better. Maybe I will try weight lifting gloves next time. I generally eschew them but for 30 pounders I think they'll help make me grip more safely.

I also did step-ups.

Dividing 2 parts of the workout into single-leg exercises the way I did made it take too long. Next time I will just do dead lifts every time, alternate every other leg workout doing lunges one time and step-ups the next. (Those single-leg ones turn 3 sets into 6.)

I was really trembling with 2 30-pound db's stepping up. I was using a 12" step, not my usual 14".

So the exercises I will do from now on will be as follows (not necessarily in order):

Lunges (or step-ups) for hamstrings/quadriceps (et al)
Squats for quads/hams
Plies for ab- and adductors
Dead lifts for glutes (and all the other muscles worked)
Calf raises for calves. All these worked my grip as well!

For calves I gripped the 2 30 pound dumbbells at my sides and did slow raises, probably the tempo of PS. I didn't use the tape for that part. I did 2 sets of 30 raises. I use my step for them, because I am on carpet and I wanted a hard surface.

I enjoy hearing others' modifications. IMO, it would be hard to make a video following BRx principles without worrying about potential injuries. Not to mention the 3-minute rests!!

I'm feeling very worked out now, 12 hours later!

Nitey-nite, all!

Thanks for posting this. It is very timely for me. I have just started BodyRX and am in Cycle1/Week1/Day5. This will be leg day. I was thinking about how I was going to design my leg workout. You have put a very nice one together, so I think I will try this tonight. Thanks again for sharing it!

WOO-HOO, Connie!!!! That is MY kind of workout. I will have to try it. Currently I am tacking on sit and stands to S&H as well, but only with my puney 20 lbers. BUT that is after all the endurance-type step ups in Firm Standing Legs. For some reason, I like their hover squats better than sit and stands. Actually, I think the Firm has both. But the reps are quicker and BOY do I shake at the end. You know, that good nauseous feeling!!

For my squats, I have topped out at getting my 60 lb. barbell over my head (feels dangerous), so I have been using my 30lb. dumbells on my shoulders. This is beginning to feel easy so I will add my platemates. It is all good with me cuz I have 35 lbers as well as 40lbers. I do the same with plie squats, holding two 20lbers on my shoulders. For some reason, 1 40lber feels weird.

So, were you sore from this mish-mosh. Sounds weird, but if I don't get sore the next day, I am looking to intensify it somehow, even if I almost puked the last time. Lack of soreness makes me MAD!!

Thanks for posting. I am not officially following BodyRx, but trying to adhere to its basic principles.. Anyone else???

Hi Connie! I worked my legs at the suggestion of Mindi. I used the S&H tape and did each 3 exercises at 8 reps for 3 sets slow and then stopped the tape after the 3 sets and did another 3 sets 8 reps but the traditional way. My right leg is feeling especially sore but the left one is ok. I must be stronger in the left leg. Anyway I think I'll switch it up for next week. Sit & Stands replacing squats/lunges/step-ups/calf raises/plie squats and I'll see how I feel after working it this way.

Connie all I can say is WOW to your lifting 30#s. I can't seem to hold the 25#s very well so not going there yet; not ready. Keep up all your good work; we'll also have to post how each of our progress is going. I'm feeling sooo sore in my chest; didn't think I was going to be able to work legs yesterday but the die-hard that I am I forged ahead. Best, Kathy

PS: Why don't we check in to the website bodyrxandmore. Sorry if someone else already posted this; I just read your message and read the others.
Kathy keep me posted on how you change up legs next week ok? I'm going to do legs tonite..still haven't decided what exactly, but its the last week of I need C3 ideas. I am going to include side lunges I know, those really give me a good sore, guess I wasn't truly getting the inner thighs done huh?
Hi Mindi! I would do sit and stands (you know these are killers), maybe do 3 sets of these and then do 3 sets of regular squats/inner & outer thighs using the PS Series with a body bar/how about doing the lunges, if you can, putting one foot onto the step holding the dumbbells as in CTX Series/deadlifts are important/plies w/barbell/calf raises using the options Cathe gave in PS Series; can't think of anything else just trying to mix it up for you to confuse the muscles.

As for me, I really liked working my legs your way to S&H but will have to add in deadlifts as well for the hamstrings. I'll keep you posted next week after I've thought about it some more. Best, Kathy
Ok guys last night's leg work was similar to last week's but I added a step for the lunges, I didn't go nutz tho, used 6" on the step. But I tell you, it was enough additional work to go down w/the barbell and then to the side w/the heavy dumbell on and off the step, that my legs, particularly my inner thighs, are desperately sore today.

I am dragging myself around instead of walking regularly. LOL

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