
Having elbow pain, can't do bicep curls; hurts too much, can do hammer curls. Looked at and found a preacher curl machine which would be great cos it would support my elbow. I don't really want to pay $200, plus I don't have anywhere to store it. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Try slanting your step on an incline and trying a preacher curl.
Stack your risers under one end of the step and then kneel down and try it.

I got a new weight bench with preacher curl attachment and leg extension for under $80.00 last year, at Play It Again Sports! So keep looking!

There are probably preacher benches that are even smaller, like a podium with a stool. Maybe you could make one out of wood or something.
Thanks so much for the info on slanting my step, I will give it a try. I wish I was that talented that I could make my own, (I don't think so.)

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