Anyone have any good ideas..

Wendys right on target! :7 It cant be in the house-
If you have family that you feel "must have" their goodies either buy ones they like that you would never eat and / or put their treats on highest level in pantry or hidden deep in freezer. Out of site/out of mind.

Make sure that eating clean includes your favorite treat once every few days in small quantity so you dont feel like its a "diet" vs a lifestyle change and allow yourself the pleasure.

As you see your body change dramatically keep telling yourself & other people when they ask;-) that eating clean is 85% of the success. Retrain your brain to understand that you cannot have a fit looking body if you eat junk - No Matter How Much You Exercise! Thats a fact.

Its a process!

Determine on a scale of 1-10 how clean your current diet is (majority of time).... If its only a 2 I wouldnt try to be a 10 then week.... Work on cleaning up one area (breakfast turns clean this week) at a time - Make sure you are using enough spices, broths etc to cook with so your food is flavorful and your taste buds are satisfied.

Avoid "trying" to eat foods you dont like just because they are clean... No one can live this way long term. Select foods that you like and learn to make them in new ways so there isnt any dread factor. Once your preferences have changed from junk to clean you'll be surprised how many of "dont care for" foods now taste great! When the palate clears up a new world opens out there!

Hope some of this helps! Good Luck:7
I don't know where you live, but summertime is the best season for fruits and veggies. Keep eating things you love, and keep noticing how delicious they are. Have you tried the cherries this season? My DH and I fight over the last one in the container! I can't wait for the blueberries and melons.

ETA: I just saw you live in New Jersey. The blueberry and tomato capital of the world! Also, you have all those Whole Food stores! I can't tell you how often I miss the fabulous food stores of New Jersey. Enjoy! :D
Can anyone join you? My SO and I work on eating clean together. Some days great, some days little less clean but together we are working on eating better and it makes it easier on both of us.
Eat well before you go to the grocery. If you go hungry, then the simple carb processed foods look so much more tempting. As others have said, if you don't have it around the house, you can't eat it.

In line with my first suggestion: keep a stock of tasty and healthy snacks (like Larabars, for example) in the car and office. The first is so if you are in the grocery store and are tempted by junk foods, you can tell yourself you have a good snack waiting for you in the car.

Shop the perimeters of the grocery store. That's where all the 'real' food is. And spend the bulk of your time in the produce section.

Get a good cookbook or two, especially one that has quick-to-make healthy recipes.

Think of yourself as a Mazaratti or other expensive car, not a junky old jalopy. Just as you'd only use the best fuel in that car, you only want the best food in your body.
When you are ready to eat junk...ask yourself...Is this getting me closer to my goal or further away from my goals? Also, ask yourself, Is this worth it?


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