Anyone had a stress fracture??


I think I might have one.

Of course, this is my own diagnosis, but my lower leg, on the anterior aspect near my ankle really hurts. I have been prone to shin splints as far back as I can remember but on my right side it now feels worse. When I apply pressure to this area it hurts. Sometimes, if my cat steps on my leg in that spot I just about go through the roof!! Today, I did not know it was bothering me until I tried to do some trail running, and it is like with every strike someone is poking me with a knife. I quit running so hard and iced it when I got back and it seems to feel better now, although I can still feel it.

My thing is, I am not a "runner". I like to run, but lately it has not been more than 0-2 times per week. However, I do do Imax once a week and usually atleast one other hard Cathe cardio. But even these seem to bother my legs. Has anyone here had a stress fracture or something similar to it caused from predominantly Cathe cardio tapes??? I am doubtful that I actually have a fracture only because I am not doing any high mileage running. Also, do you think your weight has anything to do with it? Meaning, is the fact that I am heavy hurting my shins??

Any info would be greatly appreciated....

Oh yeah, and yesterday it was my shoulder acting up. Sometimes I swear working out does no good for me!!!


I have pain when I am running too, but no pain from stepping. I think I might be too much too soon, but my God! It hurts and I do feel 'working does no good for me' either. But I like running and it burns loads of calories so I would be very sad to give it up. I can only run maybe 3 times a week at the moment. The treadmill is better.

I also have problems with my right shoulder sometimes, but it's not enough for me to stop exercising - I eat tooooooooo much junk food.

My husband does. He has five. :( Poor hubby has to get a profile every time he has a PT test (he is in the Army). What the doctors have prescribed him is medication for the pain and not running until it gets better. I know you don't run much, but...could stepping cause it?

Do you have pain down by your ankles?? My "shin splints" are not really typical in that they seem lower on my leg. Can you describe in more detail what you experience as far as the nature of the pain? Does it go away after you train and come back as soon as you start running??

Doesn't anyone experience this atleast after IMAX...say, the next day???

I think maybe I have had a few too many days off my anti inflammatories!!

Yes, in college. I decided to train for a marathon when I was only running 5 miles a week at the time. Built up my mileage waaaay to fast and ended up with a stress fracture (and never made it to the marathon)

I would highly reccomend going to a sports orthapedist. If you see a sports one they will be more prone to give you advice on how to get working out pain free the quickest.

Since college was 15 years ago I don't remember the exact symptons other than extreme pain and very swollen after ignoring the pain for a while one day I just could barely walk anymore and my boyfriend at the time dragged me to the Dr. An x-ray showed a fracture of the bone even though I never really remembered breaking it so it was diagnosed as a stress or overuse injury.

I hope you feel better soon!

The pain is in my knees and upper legs (right leg hurts more than left), but I am recovering quicker these days and the pain is not so pronounced. If I do hard run like sprints then the day after it hurts more, so I go back to a gentle jog or I stop running and rest for 2 days. I don't have any problems at all when I do stepping, probably because I do it on the carpet. I do think it's the shoes at fault here (I need shoes with more cushion).

My husband's pain is in the front side of the legs, right above the ankles, and also in upper legs. It hurts when I touch it with a little pressure, and when he runs, of course. He also feels it in his heels.
Thank you for all the replies guys. It actually feels better today and tommorrow I am off to the running store to get some new trail runners. I think they are shot. Ones with LOTS of cushioning!!!


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