Aging and calories

I know I posted this with the last message (my apologies for repeating the question).

I am 41 and experiencing perimenopause. I notice weight fluctations and am in the process of reducing my cardio sessions and add more weight training sessions to my regimen per wonderful advise given to me in this forum.

Here is my next dilemma; I keep a journal with my calorie intake to no more than 1600 calories a day.

Is 1500 to 1600 calories for my age too low? I have read as we age we should decrease our caloric intake to 1400 calories.
If you didn't follow a fit lifestyle and workout, you would indeed find it necessary to reduce your caloric intake if you didn't want to gain weight. Certainly, menopause and the hormonal action play a role. However, most of that "middle age spread" is attributable to becoming less active and losing muscle mass. Strength training and cardio can and do prevent muscle loss and fat gain. Stay active and you can continue to eat like you always have. I just read a great book called "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About PreMenopause" which offers advice on keeping things in balance naturally. There are alot of environmental factors like hormones in meat and pesticides on food and in the environment (xenohormones) which act upon our hormones in ways we wouldn't think of! At 41, you are problably about 10 to 15 years out from Menopause but it's when things begin to change! The book dealt with many of the things I too have been experiencing. I am 39. Good luck!

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