Advice please - son needs personal trainer


My son's psychologist has recommended to me that my son get a personal trainer. He is 13, suffers from anxiety and depression (taking meds but anxiety not yet under control), has social problems (mild Aspergers), has recently become overweight. He has been the victim of teasing and bullying and does not want to participate in any group activities. He is a couch potato and hates to exercise.

I need advice as to how to find a trainer for him. Also, what kind of facility would be best (gym, private training facility, etc.). Home training would not work, as he would be too distracted. Any other advice is greatly appreciated!

Thanks much!

Hi Randi --

First, I think your son's psychologist is very progressive thinking for recommending a personal trainer rather than trying more and more medication. I think exercise and the discipline that comes with it can help in a lot of different ways (physically and mentally).

As for finding a trainer, there are several articles and web sites online that can list the things you should probably consider. Here is one that I found:

As a trainer myself, I would say that a smaller gym or private training facility may be a better option for your son if he does not feel comfortable in a larger gym setting. Perhaps once he gets accustomed to training, he will start feeling more comfortable in a larger gym setting.

Good luck. Just make sure you feel comfortable with the trainer that you choose and that he/she understand's your son's needs.


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