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  1. Z

    Vinco's vitamins

    Does anyone take them? I asked my pharmacist yesterday about supplements that would give me energy, etc and she recommended Vinco's vitamins for women. I was wondering if they're any good? It was not cheap at all. 16 bucks for 60 capsules. I bought it since I trust her word but haven't taken...
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    crystalized ginger

    I see them in my grocery store in the spice/herb section. Also, you could make your own crystalized ginger. I've never made them but you can look at this site and see what they have. They're DELICIOUS!
  3. Z

    Do you have any collections?

    I collect Brenda Breyers horses although I haven't collected them in a while. I have about 4 shelves filled with them. 5 of them are worth a few thousand dollars since they were signed by the artists themselves and was limited edition. Dad bought me 2 of them. OH MY....Usually and still is a...
  4. Z

    Beware of Nutrasweet and Equal

    Also, it takes a common sense not to put the crap in your body that's not natural. I'd take regular sugar over aspartame anyday although I don't drink soda. UGH! Tastes too fake or something. Also, a friend told me aspartame is made of formaldahyde (spell is wrong but it's the closest I can...
  5. Z

    Eating Healthy 12/6/04

    I eat it! We work out real hard. Oftentimes if you workout HARD, your metabolism is high and it burns whatever you eat right off. Of course, you'd have to WT and all including cardio. Me for example, I watch what I eat 5x a week. I LOVE gourmet food so I eat that on weekends. I don't lose weight...
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    Favorite fragrance

    I'm EXTREMELY picky about perfumes. I HATE those strong scented ones a la Calvin Klein and the rest of the designer perfumes. Can't STAND Chanel of any kind. Here's what I wear the most: Lauren by Ralph Lauren Kenzo (the leaf shaped bottle) Heavenly by Victoria's Secret
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    ***** For dss62467 *****

    I sent you a PM.
  8. Z

    A "skinny" rant....

    RE: A I agree with Dani and Nancy. When I saw your weight and your height, I automatically thought you were very thin and small boned. Just because someone called you skinny doesn't mean it's in a nasty way. I used to be called skinny before I had kids and I liked it. I knew I wasn't SKINNY...
  9. Z

    Angelina Jolie & Cathe

    I don't think Cathe and Angelina look alike at all. I agree with SCM about Rachel. In one of the dvds, I think it's the last set of dvd, the beginner's one, not sure....She looked almost exactly like Keira Knightley. I couldn't believe my eyes.
  10. Z

    what is your favorite movie quote???

    "A saddest thing in life is a wasted talent" A Bronx Tale "Wow, he's such a gentleman he takes the dishes out of the sink before he piss in it" Quiser from Steel Magnolias (I'm not sure if it's the correct quote but it's very close) The same as Kathryn's with Chuck Norris. I feel the...
  11. Z

    Say it ain't so!!!

    Carol, I know there are tiny scars, etc in a lot of areas. What about Botox? Actually, I don't know if it's a true plastic surgery but you can't even tell if someone had a botox done if you don't know the person unless she had it done an hour ago from all the needle marks.
  12. Z

    Say it ain't so!!!

    Carol, how can you tell? Not everyone's plastic surgery is obvious. I really don't think Cathe has had any surgery done. I don't even think she's that type either. I think she just got real thin her face looked more pulled back. She will look her old self again now the series is over...
  13. Z

    Relocation for Hubby/What to do???

    Maximus! Where in Southern Va did you go to school? I used to live in Charlottesville and met my hubby there.
  14. Z

    Relocation for Hubby/What to do???

    Or you two could compromise and move to somewhere else in the middle? So it's closer to both of your families. That's what my DH and I did. I can't really stand his mother and I don't think he can either but he LOVES his grandmother as well as I. It works better for us that way although I'm...
  15. Z

    Say it ain't so!!!

    Aw, get over it, it was just an innocent question. People get excited about something new, they ask questions. It's not like we live in 1950's anymore. Anyway, no, it's not plastic surgery. They did a very good job of airbrushing the pictures to make Cathe and the gang look very young and...
  16. Z

    This is just TOO!!!!!!! sad

    Umm, Carol....I'm not disagreeing with you. I've read your posts. Pretty much everyone said the same thing but in a different way on this thread anyway. You have your opinion and I have mine. We don't have to agree otherwise this will be boring. I didn't totally agree with your first post but...
  17. Z

    This is just TOO!!!!!!! sad

    I don't feel sorry for anyone but the wife and kids. If he knowingly and intentionally gave them AIDS, he can rot in prison for all I care. It's a crime to do that. Assault and manslaughter. About the women, I most likely do not care. It's also their fault for having unprotected sex with someone...
  18. Z


    Trevor, You are right. Women are catching up to men criminalwise. Some prison is overflown with female perpetrators. Most are poor, different race, etc. Some just don't care. Some prisoners find jail their home. I know some perpetrators who was in jail for a few yrs commited a crime again...
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    Aqua, I know the ratio is bigger with men on women. Of course. Majority of men are bigger than women so they're physically capable of hurting the woman more than a woman hurting the guy. That is a fact. I don't know where you got your 86% from...I don't know if it's national or locally as...
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    I know we're talking about men here but what about women who abuse men? That is around definitely but men don't report it as much as women because they're embarassed. I don't hear you talking about women who beat their boyfriend/husband. I know majority of abuse cases are men beating/murdering...