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  1. D

    dvd recorders?

    I was just wondering---what does this type of DVD recorder do? How does it differ from a DVD "player"? Can you make DVD copies of VHS tapes possibly? thanks in advance for any information---I'm a dunce about DVD anything... dawna
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    HRM, Vests, and Squat Weight

    Hi and thanks for such good information. Yep, the weight bench has a rack for use in the bench press, but I did assume it was for the squat also. Guess I was wrong there. My back is so healthy and strong, I didn't have any problems leaning over to hoist the weight up. But, I just don't have...
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    HRM, Vests, and Squat Weight

    A few questions here---- Will your heart rate monitor read thru a heavy weight vest? Is wearing a vest as effective for the legs as the weight atop your back as with barbell squats? I'm doing 60 lbs independent of Cathe weight tape--I use a step in squat rack. I once tried...
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    Any advice on a good book on low fat eating or dieting (I hate that word)

    RE: Any advice on a good book on low fat eating or diet... I've used the McDougall Program for clean eating. It has resulted in EASY weight loss, less arthritic pain, fewer headaches, less menstrual bleeding, and overall better health. I've been a vegetarian for years, so it's been pretty...
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    Anyone ever try Hydroxycut?

    I tried samples of Hydroxycut and similiar type products. Once I took a couple, then went to dinner. I was exploding with rage and irritation, which is pretty unusual for me. Made me feel like I wanted lash out at somebody. I hated the feeling. Tried it several other times and it just...
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    Bowling ball Glutes, Cathe?

    I would still bet that heavy weight work probably does *help* to some extent (if you haven't inherited big ones)! Not sure why anyone would want "bowling ball" glutes, but I think somewhat rounded is nice. Best thing probably is to be happy about what good body parts you DID inherit, and...
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    Slow & Heavy and Pure Strength which do you prefer?

    RE: Slow & Heavy and Pure Strength which do... Hi again Sherry, wow, that was nice to hear from you so quickly!!! Well, what you say is very interesting! Do you do a a *little* cardio? Well, your arms are certainly evidence that you do Cathe instead of Firm!!! I'm considering...
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    Slow & Heavy and Pure Strength which do you prefer?

    RE: Slow & Heavy and Pure Strength which do you pre... Sherry, I just looked at your pictures over at Picture Trail. I'm so totally impressed I can't believe. You've got arms I haven't seen on women who do the Firm. I'm curious, do you do Cathe only? what is your workout in general...
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    Need tough leg workout!!!

    Hi---if you're already doing squats with a 50 pound barbell, I can't imagine how a but and thigh rocker will increase your strength, unless you are finding that the heavy squats are hurting your spine, or back. And, in that case, you could sub the machine for your free weight leg work. I...
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    Attn Honeybunch- Questions about B&TR

    RE: Jen! It works bettter as a strength machine if I do the exercise with just one leg, with the other crossed on top. It's just too easy otherwise. For some reason, I don't find much equivilancy with "stretch" poundage, and real poundage. I think you just have to go by feel and what you can...
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    Bowling ball Glutes, Cathe?

    I would bet that the Leg Press at most gyms would really assist with gaining a big one...... I always wondered about the fevor over the Fanny Lifter. The leg press that is done on the tall box isn't really a leg press in my opinion. Also, I don't think it isolates the glutes well enough to...
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    bun and thigh rocker

    Hi there! I got my B and TR the other day. This is my impression-- It's not a good cardio machine. It takes a lot to challenge my legs, since I've done heavy leg work in the past. I tried the heavy bands and I noticed a loss of resistance in the full range of movement towards the very...
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    sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR

    RE: sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR thanks everybody for your comments......they're all interesting. I did do a search on several boards, but not really being able to visually see it action, it is kind of hard to picture. well, I'll find out soon enough what it's like. Seems like most...
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    sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR

    Oh gosh, one pro, one con---please someone else comment..... Can this machine make a person dizzy? Fitness Goddess, I wonder what aspect of the machine that you did not enjoy.... well, since I bought it already, it's either a loss or a gain, and there's no decision to be made now....
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    sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR

    Please tell me this is NOT a piece of useless cheap fitness equipment, like say for instance the Ab-doer thingy. I just bought a B&TR, and I swore I'd never buy another piece of junk to collect dust or clothes. I've read about the sculpting aspect, but does anyone successfully do cardio on...