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  1. R

    Baby Eric Pictures

    Congratulations! Mandy, I'm so happy for you. You are such an inspiration in the way to balance your family life with your love of videos. Keep us posted!
  2. R

    Baby Eric Pictures

    He's absolutely perfect Cathe, Thanks you so much for sharing your pictures!Enjoy this special time, like others have said, it goes by so quickly. My babies are 18, 16, 8, and 4. I remember thinking I'd never get a decent night's sleep when my first one was little, but those sleepless nights...
  3. R

    two questions

    Balance Bars Hi Lydia: I found Balance Bars at WalMart for $.97. Surely you have a WalMart. SAM's also sells them by the box, but they don't have as many flavors. Rosemary