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    Interval workouts and heart rate

    Thanks for all the posts. They helped. I have a high maximum heart rate to begin with. I just got Intense Moves, which is my first interval workout. I decided to wear my HRM and saw that during intervals 6 and 7, I was a little over 90% of my max. heart rate. I was working hard, but didn't...
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    Interval workouts and heart rate

    LAST EDITED ON May-02-02 AT 09:21PM (Est)[p]Does anyone know if when doing an interval workout, are you trying to go all out regardless of heart rate or are you trying to keep your heart rate within a certain range? Thanks in advance. Angela
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    Where did my metabolism go? (2 questions)

    I don't have anything to add, except to say I am right there with you. I am trying all kinds of things without success. I'm 36 and I've gone from a size 6 (and smaller previously) to a size 10 within the past 2 years. I have always been thin, so this is a totally new thing for me. I think I...
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    Where did my metabolism go? (2 questions)

    I don't have anything to add, except to say I am right there with you. I am trying all kinds of things without success. I'm 36 and I've gone from a size 6 (and smaller previously) to a size 10 within the past 2 years. I have always been thin, so this is a totally new thing for me. I think I...
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    S&H 2 or 3 Times Rotation

    Sandi - I guess my main question in the previous post is - How many times are you doing a Power Hour type workout on the weeks you don't do S&H? Thanks, Angela
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    S&H 2 or 3 Times Rotation

    Sandi, can you give us an example of your rotation? I did S&H for 3 weeks and for the third week, I lost my motivation and had a very hard time finishing the rotation. Maybe something like you are doing might appeal to me more. Thanks, Angela
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    How to get mom to workout??

    My mom is about the same age. She has an e-track she uses. In the beginning she could only do a few min. She would do a few mins. several different times a day or take a break and do a few more min. until she worked up to longer and longer times. Also, it's probably mentally easier in the...
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    What works for inner thighs?

    LAST EDITED ON Apr-17-02 AT 08:35PM (Est)[p]Karen Voight's (Pilates) Total Body Training, which requires the resist-a-ring, really works the inner thighs. If I give it 100%, my inner thighs are very sore the next day. I usually don't feel inner thigh exercises. I have not used this tape...
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    IntervalMax/Bodymax question

    Thanks for the information everyone. I will probably pass on IMAX for now. I had forgotten how much impact there was on the video clip. I will probably get BodyMax and maybe PowerMax. I plan to look at those clips again this weekend when I have time and make a decision. I just purchased S&H...
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    IntervalMax/Bodymax question

    I'm considering some new video purchases. The only Cathe cardio tape I currently own is MIC. The hi/lo section has a little too much impact for me. I'm currently considering purchasing Interval Max and BodyMax. Can someone give me an idea of how much impact I can expect from these tapes...
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    Help - No Weight Loss

    Palm program I use RMRDiet program. I found it through , but had to order it from the RMR software site. It's $15. They have a trial version that I tried out first. It tracks your food intake and percentage, your weight and measurements, and exercise (and calories burned)...
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    Help - No Weight Loss

    RE:food journal Wendy: What was your calorie intake? Can you give me some example days of your meals? If you already did this for another thread, just point me in the direction. (I'm at 138.) I'm also wondering how much age and hormones might have to do with this. Thanks.
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    Help - No Weight Loss

    RE:food journal Thanks for the suggestion. I have a program on my Palm that lets me track everything. I've been using that. I have increased my fiber (30g or more - thanks to this forum) and struggle to get my protein up everyday (to 15-20%). It's getting easier. I can't eat alot of dairy...
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    Help - No Weight Loss

    Has anyone else had this experience or offer any suggestions? I've been exercising religiously for 7 mos. without any wt. loss OR change in clothes size. The only difference I can tell is that my legs are more muscular - YEAH! I bought a bodyfat scale, and I've lost maybe 1% since I got it in...
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    Yoga experts, pls. read

    I'm delurking to answer. There is an article about this at under the Ask Our Experts part. There was also some discussion about this recently at if you want to check that out. Hope this helps. Angela